Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 10:00 am
hey ppl! jus came back frm my Hong Kong trip! nice. weather was cooling..air con temp. but when we arrived, it was raining. bad. then, went all arnd to look for a place to eat lunch. den found an eatery and my siblings din really lyk it cos got ppl smoking in it. well, HK's culture. can't really blame them can we? okay. not goin to go to all the deatils. but went Ladies Street (night market) 5 times. walk till heels hurt everyday. ocean park. it's lyk a theme park wid rides and the big aquarium. great exposure to many of God's creation! and the cable car stop halfway while travelling down. scary.
peered into a mahjong parlour. finally. interior looks not bad. air-conditioned. hmm. wad else? erm. sit the ferry to cross to central (hong kong island). loved the mid-level escalator and the small "town" as i call it. it was nice. few ppl. not so crowded. alot of eatery and bars. for residents to live in it too. the Peak. went there. wax muesum. saw LKY, taught mozart how to play violin, been a president and part of a royal family. nice. haha. had lotz of fun playing wid the wax figures. the descend of the flight wasn't good. my whole face n head ached. bad. oh oh! jus wanna add..met TAY PING HUI in HK and got his autograph and took photo wid him!!
ytday was CTSS's prom nite. played wid SK, bryan, gerald and jonathan. nice. glad to play wid them. but spent $18 in total for jamming studios. so expensive!!! but things was alright. hiccups. SK sang verse 2 instead of verse 1 when we started on Save Me and he had to stop and say sorry. den a bit of screw up for intro of right here waiting but at least the audience din mind. wad else? guitar strap of jonathan fell off jus when he was abt to do his solo. erm. SK forgot some of his lyrics and put in his own words which was good! yea! great job, SK! and we had 2 opening prayers and 1 closing prayer. yes! really glad all of us are christians! use our talents for Him! luckily i dressed nicely tho my band guys din. all the gals dressed so nice. very nice. alot of them wear bare-back. sigh. oh well. n the emcees are young. sec 3 and sec 1. haha.
okay. below is pics of the wax muesum etc. no pics of the prom last nite.
Einstein! what does this equation mean??
come, mozart...let me teach you violin!
at the peak..otherwise known as "ding-feng"
at avenue of stars..thank my dad's great photography skills!
 tay ping hui, myself, bro n sis
my sis and i outside one ifc building

my bro, my sis and i. the background? Hong Kong Island...the Central...where all the office buildings are and it's lyk CBD in S'pore. but there's some interesting things there lyk mid-level escalator, the peak etc..
Monday, November 13, 2006 @ 6:05 pm
okay. jus stayed over in aunty cas house. went orchard last nite. nice. saw the lights. the theme was bird. okay la. very gold gold. hope to go out wid him at nite to orchard one day. it'll be soooo nice. went to wisma, civics plaza n saw the big big tree. played wid emmanuel to keep him quiet while waiting for the mum to finish trying clothes. for once i realised how hard it is to keep an active child quiet. wah..so tough la. have to think of games to play wid him. lol. so long haven't play games la. play scissors paper stone, i see n put rubber band in hand n guess which hand has the band. haha. went shoppin for a while too. shop till i very tired.
tat nite, slp over at her house. den got block nose. then, later on, the next day, it became a running nose. bad. so now i'm home. played piano n rested. man. i dunno wad happen to my interest in piano. been goin all the way down. my fingers dun really listen to me too. have quite a bit of difficulty playing the runnin notes. sigh. dun lyk. also dunno wad happen. sianz. but good thing tunner came n tune my baby...now my piano sounds better.
jus called SK n look wad he told me!! i got an opportunity to perform in Orchard! together wid him n jamie n dunno abt timothy n many others? wow..tat's super cool! my first time playing in public! nice! haha. at nite some more. but tat means gotta prac alot, pay for studio rental n prac real hard....asking my bro along too! tat will be a real good experience! but i hope i wun get alot of criticism...feedback can, jus say nicely.. haha. THANK YOU SK! first it was prom nite for ctss on 27th nov, n now in orchard next mth (16th dec-24th dec). Thanks!
jus found out this week is super busy. haha. goin here n there. man. n next week travelling to Hong Kong! yes! sit on aeroplane again. n i'm not goin to bring any work there! go there n read n relax =) today nigel was msgin me n i was telling him i was doin my work n he say i study too much. my sis say the same thing too. i think so too. haha. but left integration techniques. tat's all. yes! finish tat off...den...oh no! jus got an email abt geog homework! grr. stupid. oh well..gotta find out wad it is!
looking forward to tml's house council outing at glen's house!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 @ 11:45 pm
okay. being chased by SARAH to blog. happy now gal? lol. yup. it's the 8th of nov. my first post in nov. haha. wonder how many posts i'll make in this month. wad do i have to say? well, let's tok abt today! today i went back to Yishun Primary Sch. went there for 3.5hours. tiring n exhausting cos it's 3 straight classes. pri 3, 5 n 4. i LOVE the pri 4 class..the class tat i always go to during normal sch days....today 13 pri 4 ppl turned up. yay! n terry got a yo-yo for attending every single lesson this year! well done boy! n saw daniel in the pri 3 class. a pity he couldn't rmb my name nor recognise my face. a pity i miss siti n aisha...miss those 2 gals. i think the kids rmb kuan wei more. haha. the big guy that acts lyk a daddy n settle disrupts n quarrels by hugging them n asking them to sit/lean on their thigh. haha. saw the daddy side of kuan wei tat day...love it man...see many other "daddys" arnd in my class too. haha. sigh..memories...
toking abt memories...jus looking back at this year. good n bad. good for several things: 1. still got a place in SA. 2. my first 3 mths class was great! miss n love you guys! esp pam! n hadwei qin in my class! 3. valent-tube was good. first hand experience 4. take geog lessons 5. house council. you guys rockz! 6. see n catch up wid my pri sch frens who are now in SA. esp weiling! n nigel! 7. yishun n SL * moving away from sch to church* 8. asst youth leader 9. JPTN cell group. love dinner-time! free dinners :P 10. lotz of books to read. draw me closer to God *last but not least* 11. Victor. Bad cos this year has indeed been rocky. esp in the area of relationships with ppl. sigh. oh well. god is good n merciful. given us the holy spirit, his word n ppl arnd me who care so much abt me n gave me lots of advice. n occassionally, god will jus sprinkle some little blessings each n every day. thanks.
okay. i've got nth much to say already. pray for the JC2s who are having a levels. n planning for youth retreat...haven't started yet. grr. wonder if i shld ask sab n sam to help me out. sigh. no harm tryin rite? but jus kinda afraid..cos aft all, they are older than me n i treat them with a higher level of respect...oh well. since they are my sisters too! jus give it a shot! okay! got josh's party to tok to aunty teresa too. okay. gtg. goin to change my blog skin soon! cya!
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1 May 1989...Labour Day!
Abundant Life Baptist Church
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri Sch (PHPPS),
Clementi Town Sec Sch (CTSS),
St Andrews Junior College (SAJC),
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Family (dad, mum, reuben, sarah, po-po)
Band: Hillsong, Don Moen, Corrine May
Food: jus can't take spice, crab n prawns :(
Music: Christian n comtemporary/love songs
Movies: Cinderella Story, Matrix, I Robot, Lord of the Rings, Princess Dairy Series, The Island, Gattaca, Crash, Stardust...