Sunday, May 27, 2007 @ 2:57 pm
hey... yesterday i went for iHOPE. Do You?
it was awesome! the worship was good. esp the night service. sy rogers spoke well esp for the 1st msg. the most wonderful thing was God speaking to me! through the magazine (vantage point complimentary copy), one of the workshop and the msg tat sy toked about. wad are they??
- open-palm policy. be open, prepared and ready when God takes away something from you (in terms of rs). and tat's so super true for me. it echoed wad uncle clarence told me and gave me one final push me into letting go. yea. that hard long decision and willpower and effort tat i have to put in for the past one week
- running TO God and not from Him when i have dirty/unclean thoughts...i also apply it to any other thoughts tat are not pleasing to Him!
- God's character! yea! it's God's character tat gives me the hope tat i can have hope in Him and tat He'll see me through all the seasons of my life because he is a responsible God tat will direct our paths!
I also went forward to ask for prayers. was actually standing in front looking lost but glad one aunty/helper of eagles came forward and paryed with me. she told me about the torchlight story. let me share wid you. it goes like this. in a dark room and you have a torchlight. not the very good brand kind so it can't shine far. and then, when you shine in front of you, you can only see wad you are stepping on and maybe arnd 3 steps ahead, sometimes 2 or sometimes 1. but everytime you move forward 1 step, your torchlight can shine 1 more step ahead of you. similarly, the torchlight is like God. He won't reveal His entire plan to you but shows and guides you one step at a time. He will give you just enough light you need to see you through each day or tat particular moment of a few hours, a day, a week...all we nid to do is to trust him. how true this story is. it really encourages my heart. was smsing her tat night, thanking her and her reply is really encouraging also. she said she'll continue to pray for me as i lift up my hurts, disappointments, struggles and dreams to God. and reminded me tat no tear tat falls from my eyes will escape from His sight. wow..i tell you, she's like a God-sent angel to me! it's so awesome and amazing! this encounter! really thank God for her. and it's the first time when i write down my church name and someone recognises it. she was at GB HQ last time when we were there. her church was sharing the same building and worshipping at a level above us :) aunty siew ting. tat's her name. at some point in time during the conference, no doubt, i suddenly feel an urge to tok to victor. to tell him wad i'd learnt and wad was taught to me tat will also help him in his sturggles and spiritual walk. but i can't. i was debating whether i shld email him. but towards the end, i gave up the notion cos i believe this is wad God is bringing me through and teaching me--to let go. and wad i can do is to trust God tat He will teach and guide and show victor wad i'd learnt in His own time and His own way. esp in His own way. so jus drop it. at first it wasn't easy but now it feels alright. jus trust him. no doubt. wad i wld have said to victor will help him alot and guide him but jus gotta let go and trust in God. jus hope and pray tat for some of his issues/problems tat i used to hold him accountable to, he'll find another one to account to and to keep him in check for i believed tat accountability we had helped him. also, during the workshop, sy was also talking about accountability. oh. jus to give you all a bit of background. sy is a good speaker. international also. so some of you may have heard him. he was a gay but now has turned straight, is a pastor, married, got a 21-year-old daughter who is getting married nxt week and goes arnd the world giving talks and seminars. he has lived in asia region for about 7 years and so can speak some malay and the singlish style of "la" which adds humor to his talk. he's reputable, reliable and can be trusted. he also referes to passages in the bible. and the most interesting thing is tat he uses psychology and biology to explain some of his points. like he wld first tok about a certain part of psychology/biology, explain in tat context and then link it back to God, saying tat if it works for our body, it will also work for our souls. some of the concepts i already know and to link them to biology/psychology jus wows me more. jus makes me wanna praise and thank God for being such an awesome God who has everything planned out for us, humans, his beloved, his Personal Concern. other things tat i learnt is tat a marriage is bound to fail.....unless time and effort is put in. very true. needless to explain. and based on research, there is this 5:1 ratio tat the speaker (a divorce counsellor) encourages us to keep both b4 and after marriage. it means 5 positive/happy moments to 1 negative/unhappy moments. lyk jokes, laugh, enjoying time tgt versus quarrels. he was encouragin us to balance and keep to the ratio. or the frenship/relationship amy turn bitter. it was very true. experienced it b4 when there were more quarrels and arguments than jus simply enjoying each other's company and presence. today's sermon was good too! talked about King David and how he spared Saul's life. it taught us about revenge. reminded me how revenge is God's and not for us. how God will eventually judge the evil ones and those who mistreat us. taught me tat i have to be not angry and seek to punish tat person myself. also about forgiveness. it's nice. yea man. thank you lord for teachin me all these. going for GDOP youth session only. wanna see how it's like. AOG band will be leading. cool. i hope it'll be very youth. haha. yesterday i sing till i got a sore throat..till my throat hurts, actually. haha. but it was nice worshipping and praising God. jus hope i'll be able to conc on my work later on. and pray for jeremy. his exams round the corner. the final one. his a levels. ha. fast.. take care man in UK!
Friday, May 25, 2007 @ 1:43 pm
okay. so it's been way past my 18th birthday. it was well-spent, ending on a high note of meeting zhen guang, conray and nigel for supper. the usual 4 of us primary school ppl who still keep in contact =) was really happy to see them since it'd been a long time. zg is more handsome now. conray is still cocky and horny but he jus got a gf. not bad. it was zg's bday tat day too! oh! and he gave me this very nice and cute bear! look!
and then nigel gave me this guitar pick chain. it was very nice and cool! haha. yea man! thanks loads for the time spent in swensons wid the on-the-house ice cream and the time spent together! you guys rocks! and then, i also spent time wid yw and sh tat afternoon at marina square and the awesome fish-n-chips lunch at a worth-it price. wid desert somemore! =) then, met up wid victor for a while. well, got well wishes by many via sms and my sec sch frens too! =) thanks guys! loves...
well, things aren't good for me these days. in terms of relationships/frenships. i lost a fren. not physically dead (though that phrase makes it sound lyk tat), but jus take it figuratively. i think tat's the worst and the most painful thing tat cld happen. knowin that the person is still alive and can be contactable is so much different frm knowing tat the person is dead and cannot be contacted. when i know the person's dead, yes, i will be sad. but i wld know i dun have a choice and dun have a single chance of toking to the person. sigh. but wad's the diff btw the 2 if i cannot/am not allowed to tok to the person who's alive? these few days ain't good. been crying alot alot for the 1st few days. things started getting better but i still cried ytday. every morning when i wake up, i wld always think that the fren is there, but when reality hits and i realise it's the nxt morning, i jus know the fren's not there. yes. i did ask for reasons and explanations and i'd to keep recalling them whenever i qn myself and re-visit the event. it's been hard. i wonder whether it is for tat fren. sometimes, i keep thinking tat it's very easy for him. tat he has probably forgotten abt the event, forgotten how much hurt he brings to me..but i've been trying to dismiss the thought. there's no point to keep asking and there's no way i'll get an answer.
one of the things tat went across my mind was the issue of forgiveness. promises that he made last time, assurances he gave me right from the start, the memories and seriousness of his words which eventually did not come true...there was jus so much hurt he put on me and that's also wad i'd to forgive him for. yea. God was speaking to me a few days back. forgive and forget. well, it ain't easy to forget, esp coming frm someone who values promises and assurances, and have also told him my fears tat may come and it eventually did. sigh. dun really lyk it when i can predict the future well. den when i decide to still continue doing it, wad i predict happens. it jus makes me unhappy wid myself. hee.
another thing tat came across my mind is to let real happiness and smiles radiate from within and not jus show it on the surface; on the skin of your face. it's true tat i'd been putting a brave front, using studies to mask up my mind, showing my frens tat i'm fine, nothing's wrong. no one asked me abt this unless i'd told the person already. but i dun wanna fake it all. i want it to come frm within jus lyk how we are to show Jesus from the inside out. yea.
let go. those 2 words are wad i keep telling myself everyday. it's hard. esp since this is not my decision yet i have to play along. it's seriously not wad i want. many times i have wanted to sms and fight it back. but everyday ended up wid me not touching and pressing those keys, controlling myself and telling my mind to let go. it's wad i have to do anyway. if i keep holding on and be bitter to him, it'll make my life miserable for a very very long time. and soon, others would see it and then they wun like to be wid me. no way will i want to make others arnd me unhappy either. let go.
well, also wanna take this opportunity to thank KHALIS! thanks Khalis for hearing me out and helping me out through this period of time. thanks for your encouragement esp last nite when i cried jus thinking about it again. and then yr silence on the other side of the phone and asking me to take my time, understanding my situation and go wash up b4 continuin my work...thanks for your care and concern towards me. thanks for being there whenever you can although you are in NS and can be quite tired and shag at nite n still gotta do your night prayers. thanks for taking special time off to tok to me. to give me a ring, to sms me..really appreciate it lotz. thanks alot khalis. and thanks to uncle clarence. for talking to me even though i was crying on the other side. and for helping me analyse the situation and explaining his point-of-view and keep telling me tat i have to accept his decision, respect it and let go. yea. bearing his encourgement in my mind too.
Man's disappointment is God's appointment
Lord, help me to trust in you no matter wad. for the future. for wad will happen. whether we'll still be frens. Lord, help me not worry and not fear. help me not to run away but rather, run to you. help me to rest in you and trust you. honestly, my heart dun seems to have Mr Hope anymore. i dun seem to want to let it in. but Father, help me to open the door to him, not too sure whether it's for this issue, but at least for other issues. cos Lord, i know tat without hope, one can hardly survive. was reading a passage on it ytday during qt rite? :) yea. lord, please be wid me. Immanuel, God with us.........
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