Saturday, July 28, 2007 @ 1:05 pm
HELLO! glad to be back here again! okay. so to give an update: JEREMY'S BACK! yup. back all the way from London. yea. gave him a big hug on sunday when he turned up at church. many of our us are very happy to see him again too. n he came back wid a hairstyle tat belonged to his when he was younger. he cut it short though cos he had to go to work. lucky boy eh? got a job so fast. den met him for dinner on tue n had a great chat wid him.
yay. no more sunday-friends already. it's been goin on for many years already n i'm determined to stop it. i dun think it's good. i dun think it's healthy either. not wad God wants too. i strongly believe so. see:
Heb 10:24-25
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching
Looking forward to many years of great frenship n more importantly, kinship in Christ :)
so below are some photos of the Baptist Family Day. it was great! had lots of fun yea? i was torch bearer too! run round the track after someone passed me the lighted torch n after i'd passed on to someone. so it's lyk by the time the torch reached the last person, we have one whole bunch of youth leaders running together. yay. it was a pretty cool sight n quite nice. knowing tat someday, we'll be workin together and perhaps wid many other youths leaders. it was indeed comforting. btw, the ppl tat represented the churches are all youth youth leaders. so i played only one other game but ppl lyk ben n reuben played several games. n the children played many many games too =) sorry, no actions of the youths n children in action. we are blue house so we are all dressed in blue. together wid changi baptist and thomson road baptist church..
 the big banner! BAPTIST FAMILY DAY 07! thanks organisers and helpers!
 the Overcomers tat turned up...3 rows of us...
bernice, deb n myself
scrambling to get to our seats....
and there you have it! a nice picture of us gals except...where are u deb??  the 3 gals before they went for their games...
alright. tat's all for the pics. and well, step down for my loy fatt house has been delaying n postponing till next mon. boo. postpon for almost 2 weeks! wow! really hard press for studies. dun think i'll blog tat often. yet, wanna take this chance to thank Khalis for his encouragement. do u know how a juggler can juggle his stuffs so well? among many factors, one of them is focus. tat's the point on how to juggle my studies. to focus n concentrate n not get distracted easily and unnecessary. tat hit me v hard n YES! i'm goin to focus on my studies now. aft today since i'd already had plans for today since long ago. n the FOP nxt week. yea. i'm goin to put in more effort now. can't give up. can't be complacent. can't sit back n day-dream tat a miracle will happen.
took a nanyang concept test recently. haha. had to climb the fence so tat i wun be late. tgt wid another gal too. happen to see her while she was entering SAS to go to the SAS bridge tat gate. den we saw some ppl climbing the fence before us then we decided to do so. haha. it was nice. at least got company. though it's in a bad sense. we were almost late! not long aft we've settled dowm then the paper started. haven't even finished shading my NRIC no nor fillin up my details. clarence was even later though. i think he entered via the main gate tat seems miles away. the paper wasn't tat hard. 60 mcqs..glad i survived it. let's see wad the result will be like when it's released on Sarah's Birthday, 31 aug!
okay. it sure ain't easy loving all man n loving them n seeing them as how God sees them. but tat was wad i was told to do ytday. it was a challenge. esp when i had to battle down my emotions so tat it would not create a quarrel. acceptance of other ppl's faults and weakness and sensitive to know when to speak your mind n also checking if wad i'm thinking is valid. indeed. it's hard n not easy. jus wanna pray for God's strength n grace to help me. i can't do this by my own human strength. definitely not. only through God. amen..
finally, i got 2 tests on 3rd aug, fri. coming fri. 2 tests!! n it's not lyk very minor test but a major one. one phys pre-prelim n one H3 maths. the H3 is the one i'm more concerned about. grr. and tat one starts at 5pm and ends at 7pm. so late right? n wad's more, it starts aft phys pre-prelim tat is also held after school! wad a long n tirin day, i suppose. n revision for them. dun intend to revise hard for the pre-prelim. was quite piss tat they have to put the test. come on. we dun have so much time to study. we still got tuts to catch up n do leh! n phys is not the only subject we are studying for! yes. we may do v badly for phys in BT2 but hello, GP was worse n so are the other subjs! face it man. u jus gotta let us study phys at our own pace widout all these external pressures!!!!
alright. i'm cool. so yar. tat's abt all i gotta say. attendin DNA mtg on wed was great! it was awesome! learnt alot. see how the leaders discussed and i feel a pinch of regret when i din turn up for the previous DNA mtgs. well. i turned up this time round partly cos kah hwee, my leader, isn't here n partly cos thurs i got no normal lessons n partly cos i wanna find out wad's it lyk. n surprisingly, it ended early. not lyk those late mtgs tat papa always attend. i think those are council mtg so tat's why so late. oh well. i'm the only youth there n glad i know each and every adult n they know me too since they've seen me grown up (: okay..i'll end here then. byeee..
Friday, July 20, 2007 @ 12:34 am
okay. my 160th post. ah. super shag now! jus finished typing my GP essay. jus only!! grr. n then goin to slp late again n then fall aslp during lessons again. craps! i'm leading cell on fri nite!! craps. haven't read thru again my notes. sigh. tml muz find time to read. plus, teaching linda h3 tut 2 maths tml. ah. n RJC prelim paper to complete b4 tuition!!! grr. so many things. not to forget, the music theory HW...oh man..dun remind me. ah. jus realised i got so many things to do man. n i haven't been catchin up on my own revision for prelims. sharks.
well, God did bless me wid some things. firstly, mr tan lent me a maths book on P&C!!! the same book tat was recommended n tat ashiq was hogging. so i dun nid to borrow frm ashiq now n photocopy and i can keep the book mr tan lent me all the way till aft A's. it's his own complimentary copy. wow. so cool la! i was jus asking mr tan one of my tut qns n he tried to help me. then he went back to his desk n took tat book for me! wow! was flipping thru n reading some pages. it's a good book. clear. understandable. lyk the graph theory book. i hope i'll find time to read them man..then i'll have a better grasp of the topics.
yesterday, had my first lesson on graph theory. it was great! cleared my doubts :) settled some qns. n i noe bijection principle better now after graph theory exam! yay. it's pretty fun to play wid (BP) in graph theory :)
finally, thank God for letting the guys, joshua, jordan, yong hui, shoban, to find my phone in the caf. n most importantly, tat no one stole my phone during the one hour tat i left the phone in the caf. it was pretty freaky! honestly. all the contacts inside tat i din memorise the numbers. imagine eleena's no, charles' no, stephanie's no, uncle ravi, uncle henry, aunty all those impt sms..haha. wad's more it's a new phone! i'm not so worried of the pictures cos i transferred most of them to my com already. but not the contacts! gonna do it soon, someday. but in the end, thank God for watching over me n returning back my phone. but u noe wad? throughout the time b4 the gals return to the classroom, it reminded me of the time when victor lost his phone. though he never got it back, but when he first realised it, i rmb he wrote this in the notebook: but i'm not goin to be afraid. i'm jus goin to trust God tat he'll bring back the phone to me. or maybe another thing. but well, one thing that struck me is tat the phone n my possessions are His n if it's taken away, i should not be too worried n should jus trust God. well, i did remind myself at tat time. for a few seconds, it helped. but after a while, the feeling came back. but it wasn't the freaky, worrisome kinda extent. i jus n still continued to pray :) oh well. phone's wid me now. jus wanna thank God!!! THANKS!!
Sunday, July 15, 2007 @ 5:19 pm
hello! my bro's bday is jus over on 11th July. but i still wanna wish him here a HAPPY 16th BIRHTDAY!!! thank God for seeing you through 16 years of your life! may u have a closer relationship wid God as you grow older! n remember tat God cares n is always in control! smiles! tonight eat Ramen Ramen right?? anyway, below are a few pictures of reuben n I...
reuben n i making funny faces

woah...doesn't he look lyk a suitable boyfriend for me? haha. this was taken early this year when we went for our cousin's wedding. tat's why we all dress up nicely :) hey..some of my frens do think tat he's my bf! this is super recent lyk a few hours ago. took this at KFC jus now! i shall not make Sarah jealous. some pictures of she n i...
this is she n i making funny faces...
took the photo jus jus now. she n her new hairstyle! cut it to Jessica Lui in the recent show on channel 8
the 3 of us at the wedding dinner tat night...don't we look great?

finally, not to forget...ME! in my new shirt n style... so different right??
okay. well, exams are over already. got back my H2s results. well, they ain't wad i'd expected. got B B E. 2 Bs for chem n maths n E for phys. jus took a NTU concept test. sigh. i can't believe i got stress up prior to tat! super duper man. but thank God it's over. did my best. speed do also so tat i have time to check n re-do the qns tat i din manage to do. well, i climbed over the fence to get into sch. haha. tgt wid another gal. happened to see her on the way outta SAS n she entering SAS n wanting to use the SAS bridge. she's frm S18 if i'm not wrong. but din manage to catch her name. oops. anyway, it was pretty scary but we managed to do so. we only did it cos we saw 2 other ppl in front of us doing it also.
jeremy's coming back soon! next week! on 22nd july! i jus sent an email to make an appt wid him on 25th or 26th july. haha. yea man. i do so wanna go out wid him la. he'll be bringing 2 other frens. i hope they're outgoing n so am i. den the time spent tgt will be fun n meaningful! yea. why 25th n 26th is cos it's learning festival day! so sch will end much much earlier than usual. well, i'll jus forgo one study session in the aftnoon jus to go out wid JEREMY! yea..finally coming back frm London. no doubt, the fear tat the frenship may be less treasured is still in me, as i'd shared wid jessie this morning. but nevertheless, i'm not goin to take control or force my way through. i'm jus goin to let God take control n also play my part by being a fren n doing wad i can whenever i can n whenever i'm led :)
today's sermon was good. it was on David n when God says NO to dreams..even if the intentions of the dreams are Godly. yea. maybe it's the first time u hear it but yes, David got rejected by God but David responses are wad we can learn. David wanted to build a temple for the ark of the covenant but God said NO n tat it's his son, solomon, who will built it. David then went to give gratitude to God, praise Him n lift up his petition to Him. accepting God's answer graciously. tat is so nice la! so it doesn't mean tat God will always allow the good intentions of our hearts to be fulfilled. yet, still, something good will come outta it in God's own way. i guess, despite this fact, it still shldn't stop us frm praying :)
Saturday, July 07, 2007 @ 10:13 pm
okay..i better not miss this date to blog! 07-07-07!! yea..let's tok abt something tat jus happen. written all i wanted to say in my hp ytday. first, the phys paper. the paper 2 was horrible. after i was stuck in the 1st qn, i was demoralised for the rest of the paper. n then, i gave up halfway through the paper. gave up. jus lyk tat. i can't believe it. but i practically skip all the qns i dunno how to do n jus skim thru all. i din give my best for each qn. i know it frm within. i tried to stop but can't. i dunno but i kept repeating to myself tat i'm jus not cut-out for phys. but well, in the nxt 4-5mths, gonna i'm gonna try n try harder. dun think it's right to have that give up attitude...
well, tat paper affected my rev for geog the nxt day. craps. n the geog paper wasn't hard! if only i'd studied n prepared n memorised. wid the little n inadequate preparation i made, i simply dun even have the knowledge to answer some of the essay qns n i jus lose 9marks like tat. stupid.
oh well, aft thurs, as mum was sick, i had to celebrate alone. it's not wad i usually do. i rmb in sec sch, yw n i wld always go out shopping. in sec 4 it's wid sh. yea. it was fun. wad i want. but this time round, i had to spend it alone. it bothered me a week b4 tat. but i'd to accept the fact. well, it din turn out as bad as i thought it wld be. i naturally planned it out. not goin to walk arnd aimlessly. went home n cook my own lunch. then went lib to spend some time wid God preparing my Cell Group leading the following night n the Bible Study material :) at JE lib. found a seat widout table. nice. sit on tat nice couch alone n undisturbed. it was great. then went shopping at This Fashion alone. first time again! at first, i was uncomfortable. but as i continued shopping, i was okay n began to enjoy it. i felt more adult n mature. haha. self-fulfilling prophesy? oh well. got a really nice shirt. not my typical style but it looks nice! update a photo for u nxt time round.
so yes. mum fell sick after eating durians at nite b4 she slept. she's slightly better now. but the past few days she was really in a bad shape. then, tat nite, i taught reuben log. finally he got it. see. it ain't hard. n i hope the concepts retained in his mind. well, i dunno why i wrote this on my HP abt overcaring n whether i was. i forgot the context. ha. but i think one impt thing tat struck my mind is tat it's not abt the actions but the intentions n motives of the heart when u care tat matters. let it be clear n not for selfish reasons *shrugs* whatever the context is, i hope it'll ring back nxt time when i look at this post again or for all u readers out there...
okay. here's one impt para i muz write down. i was reflecting after the block tests on thursday. n i realised tat i learnt a lot more non-academic lessons this time round than academic stuffs..let me list them down:
- plannin helps. it really does. i planned for 2mths ahead. n tried to stay as close as possible. n i revise my plan along the way. 3 drafts! n u know wad? the result was tat i had time to prac prelim papers n all the topics as a whole abt 1 day b4 my very first chem n phys paper! it's the first time i din do last min work n achieved my goal! yea. thank God. n thank victor too. i rmb his words last yr abt plannin ahead :) sigh. wun deny it but i miss him. oh well. it's past. time to let go...
- time management during the paper helps too. din rush through madly for all my papers n even had time to check! even the MCQ papers! woohoo. yay. finally learnt my lesson frm the maths paper that i rushed last yr..forgot which paper was or promo...
- dun give up. whether it's b4 or after the paper. DON'T. u've already lost the paper if u give up. n there's hope. there's always hope. more so when we are Christians. hope in God's character. tat He'll lead us through, give us the strength we nid, assure us tat He's sovereign n in control! yeah.
- dun be affected by the paper tat has jus been done if u have to prepare for another paper. not worth it! lyk tat geog paper aft the phys paper!!! so the phys paper was a blessing in disguise eh? taught me this lesson 3 n 4 :)
- always be prepared for a paper. n wid wadever u prepared, u enter n wack the paper. dun let the paper get u. u get the paper. haha. quoted from khalis :)
- be disciplined :)
- keep God in mind always! =)
yea man. i hope i'll keep this 7 lessons in mind always.
so there was durian feast ytday at uncle clarence's house aft cell group! yay! nice. but i had a hard time eating the sweet ones. the bitter ones are the one i lyk. oh. i skipped sch tat day. at first, wid the intentions of doing so. but then, i really fell sick tat morning wid flu. boo. then told alison. n i was worried i wun be well enough to lead cell tat nite. i even took 3 different types of medicine! haha. but thank God tat aft a shower, i got better :) better enough to eat durians too! n i took extra care to drink lotz of water b4 i slp so tat i cld go out wid Khalis n Quin today!
yup! we went out today. i wanted to reach there on time! planned to leave 45mins b4 the time of mtg. left the hse only 5 mins late but then, the stupid bus took so long to come! made me wait for 15mins! then, i was pretty late but not late for the movie definitely! yay. watched transformers! it's really nice! haha. but on the way home when i was looking at all the cars, i tot they are robots n goin to transform. the movie was good. can draw some parallel to the spiritual warfare we're fighting out there. n abt how in the end, jus as the bad guy is destroyed, satan will also fall into tat pit of fire. n when they did that intro abt it was a gd world until there was a betrayal? reminded me of lucifer, tat fallen angel. but the difference is tis: we are supposed to be involved in the warfare, cos we are made by God n created in His own image. so naturally, the attacker attacks the enemy's beloved. yup.
okay. well. khalis back was aching during the show. cld see him bend forward time-to-time during the show though he was 2 seats away. i know how it feels. i ever suffer tat b4. n it really hurts if i sit too long. i so wanna reach out across n hold his arm n ask him to bear it till the end of the show but i think it wld be rude to quin who's sitting nxt to me. so i din. really hope he will be okay man. really hope he'll recover. i do so want him to. so tat he can carry on wid his activities n pass out as a officer. dun want him to be transferred out either. then again, if u do, dun take it too hard k? there's a bigger plan out there for u...u never know...n it may be better! anyway, dun think so far eh? n i believe jus get yr back well n up n working n "runnin"..
so, ate a filling lunch at long john's. then went shopping at OP wid quin. yup. rumaging thru the clothes to look for bottoms until i lost track of time n was late! grr. 2 late-comings in a day! super angry at myself. all the way there, i was terribly upset n scolding myself non-stop. why can't i do somethin abt my late coming! grr. when i reached church, they were playing the last song! i was 30mins late. stupid. really sorry to aunty daisy n i hope i can serve well tml. i mean, i only had one prac. n tat particular song, i think it's change chord on the 4th beat but uncle henry says it's on the 2nd beat. n it was pretty hard for me to get it right. i'm gonna listen to the music on the cd tonight. must.
okay. missed the fireworks today. i hope to catch it nxt week wid my family or a fren (if the former can't make it). a pity khalis can't make it. haha. he got a party to attend. hey. jus go n enjoy yrself k? n luckily wei hao sms me n asked if i'd watched the fireworks arnd 830pm. now, i know the fireworks is at 830pm. i tot it was at 10pm! imagine how disappointed i wld be if i went to the rooftop at 10pm. haha.
okay. so i guess tat's abt it. jeremy will be back one n a half weeks later! for good! yay! finally can tok to him. but i wonder how things will be lyk btw us. n i hope we wun take this close proximity for granted n slack in our frenship cos we treid so hard to keep in contact when he's in UK. yea. still wanna keep in contact wid him... n this weekend is Earth Day or something of the like. yea! support it! glad they're doing action. but i think this can receive critic. lyk, wid all the performances goin on, the stage lights n power supply needed, aren't we burning more fuels? isn't tat contradictary to the msg tat it wants to convey?? jus think abt it. haha. oh well. hope more ppl will turn yr attention to the issues concerning it. esp the politicans :) jus realised this is a very long post. haha. thanks for stayin till the end! =) take care!
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1 May 1989...Labour Day!
Abundant Life Baptist Church
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri Sch (PHPPS),
Clementi Town Sec Sch (CTSS),
St Andrews Junior College (SAJC),
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Family (dad, mum, reuben, sarah, po-po)
Band: Hillsong, Don Moen, Corrine May
Food: jus can't take spice, crab n prawns :(
Music: Christian n comtemporary/love songs
Movies: Cinderella Story, Matrix, I Robot, Lord of the Rings, Princess Dairy Series, The Island, Gattaca, Crash, Stardust...