Sunday, December 30, 2007 @ 10:31 pm
[flustered yet excited]
jus now had an uproar of my drivin theory lessons! i jus found out thru FAQ tt i nid to apply for evaluation 14 days b4 my test la!! was super shock. thank God i din miss the date but it's v early! on the 8th. then, had to rush to book the lessons. grr. scary.
jus now, b4 bookin the lessons, i went to watch movie at BB for free! at that big courtyard. a pity i miss Shrek 3! it was fun. the seats were relatively dry. and i jus sat and watched The Detective alone. scary but nice. not ghostly. had to cover my ears and eyes several times. i dun really lyk gory and scary show. it was quite a nice sight. despite the rain earlier on in the evenin, there was still quite a crowd. most of the chair seats were taken but there were many ppl sittin on the mat provided. at 930pm, they are showin Mr Bean's hols. so there were many kids towards the end.
i jus looked at UNSW, Mel Uni and ANU. gettin me excited. discussed with dad too. tho they may not be the unis that are niche at my course, but they can't be tat bad. besides, most scholarship providers recognise these unis only. so perhaps, jus go for them. will be applying when my agency starts work after new year!
@ 5:16 pm
[eye-tired, restless heart]
ahh. jus sieved through all the job applications through jobscentral. really appreciate the website but can be quite tiring. and i'm so used to using email and sending my resume thru it that i so dun want to call them up. sigh. i hope that i can get a job soon!! i'm really BORED at home! I hope JTC will accept my application! partly so it'll be easier on my scholarship and partly so i can see Hui Ming more often! i mean, it'll be nice to see her! miss her...all the chats and hanging outs. will never forget the times we spent together in phys tuition!
sigh. applied thru recruit express for temp admin jobs. i wonder if they'll give thought to those who applied thru email. haha. well, there was one job that pays $9 per hour! for facilitators at clementi. tempting. and there is this other job of working admin at the dept of cardiology! so cool! i hope i get it too! =)
and yi xian is getting a job soon! tat pays $30 an hour! cos he's working as an art teacher! so good la! i hope he gets the job! :) n i hope i get one soon too! dun wanna be lazing arnd. and for the first time, i was so free last nite that i wondered wad else is there to do. ha.
Saturday, December 29, 2007 @ 11:40 am
woah!! last night was sure enjoyable! i went to CHIJMES for the first time! literally stepped into it for the first time. and to think that i naively thought that there is only one restaurant in CHIJMES last time when i was younger. lol. evelyn, le jing and myself. with evelyn treating us to celebrate the end of our A's. ate at Sun with Mooon. a jap restaurant. and to my surprise, it ain't v ex. the average prices. the lowest being $11. the average is about $15-17. yeah. so it isn't too bad eh? but the drinks are VERY expensive. the cheapest soft drinks/juices is $5!! in the end, le jing and i jus took the complimentary ice water. we din want to make evelyn pay so much.
so i ate grilled eel with clam. been always wanting to try eel again after dad bought an eel burger frm mos burger months ago. it was nice. not bad. the place was nice and cosy too. oh oh! i also wore my new dress! le jing said it was nice and she din noe that This Fashio sells dresses. but i think i wanna go back there to buy somemore dresses! seriously! i only have one dress..i nid more than that to go out with! haha.
had nice chats though i was rather silent. hmm. wonder why too. mainly convos are jus btw le jing and evelyn. hmm. but i was okay with it. and jeremy called too! was quite happy cos lj and evelyn was beside me. but he sounded v rushed so i jus answered his qns. he needed my NRIC and my full name again so i can be his referee. scary you know. yee. nv really lyk getting involved with defence stuffs. anyway, that was part 1 of the programme.
part 2? DESSERT!! we headed to Raffles City shoppin centre! and i was so surprised to see that the area where i used to watch disney progs is gone! they build shops in that area! man. i was so sad la. batman cannot fly frm up there anymore. and i wonder wad kind of childhood kids will have nowadays. sigh.
anyway, headed to Seasons Reasons restaurant for desserts since evelyn has UOB card and there is 15% off total bill. had red wine pear, rum & rasin ice cream and 3 small cakes. it was a reasonable price considering tt we are sharing btw 3 of us. and when the red wine pear came in, i was shocked! the pears were totally soaked in red wine! yee. so when i bite it, oh man, the taste of wine jus fills my mouth. and it doesn't taste v good. i'm still learning n trying to bear the taste of wine. haha. then, LJ commented tt the ice cream tasted lyk there's wine. then eve added that a clubber (referring to me) picked our desserts, so of cos got all the liquour stuffs. haha. i din noe eve is not supposed to take liquour! man. if not i wun have ordered the red wine pear. and thru this visit to the restaurant, i learnt how to pronounce: rocher! haha. all in all, it was a good dessert treat!
and wait! there's more! there's a part 3 to last night! and it's K-BOX!! eve told us last nite that her ex colleagues invited us to join them for karaoke. so then, we headed to marina sq. and it was LJ's and my first time to K-box/karaoke for that matter! so it was indeed an eye-opener for both of us. the age grp of ppl that are there are from late 20s to 40s! even the boss was there! sporting.
they are very nice ppl. greeted us. and the ex boss also gave each of us a teddy bear in support of a bone marrow fund raising effort. so eve went over to her good fren who happen to be her age grp wan. then, being unfamiliar to the environment, we jus sat with her. then, in front of me, i saw a jug of beer! yeah! a chance to try it out! so i poured a little into a cup and sip a bit. let LJ try too. and to me, it tasted lyk nothing! lyk water yet tasteless! hmm. but perhaps that's cos i took only a sip. but when i had to finish it quickly and gulp down the rest, i could taste something. yee. haha. but it sure was fun! evelyn even commented that she could see the eager look on my face. lol. and aft tat, on the way home, i felt really sleepy. dunno if it's cos of the beer. i dun feel high nor drunk. but it poses a danger to me. nxt time, i dun think i shld drink/even sip beer if i'm driving home.
many of the colleagues were also askin us to sing a song. so after a while, LJ and I decided to pick a song and sing together. and it sure was fun!! really! we picked "like a rose" by A1 and then "lemon tree". man. singing like a rose brought back many CTSS memories. haha. both she and i din sing any chi songs. we dun really lyk. and i wonder if we spoil the mood by singin an eng song and our generation wan. haha. but it was so nice holding the mic and singing!
then, LJ and i went to play pool cos the table was in the same room. it comes together with the cost. played against a colleague called joseph. and i felt so bad. i had to ask him 3 times in order to understand he was telling me his name. the songs were a bit too loud for me to hear. so LJ and I took turns to play against him and we accidentally hit his black ball in. haha. then, LJ and I played against each other.
man. we stayed in the room so much so that we dun feel lyk leaving. we only played 2 songs and played only 1.5 game of pool! but i sure will wanna go back to K-box! the colleagues were also saying that they'll see us again nxt year. then, i said that i have a 6-8 months break nxt year, if i go work temp in the company, then perhaps i can go out more often with them to K-box! =) then they started to direct me to the ex boss then to the chief admin. haha. and she's so cute. she said that if she employ me, she'll lose her job. lol.
well, but i partly serious abt getting a temp job in that company. the ppl are so nice and fun on first impression. so i think it'll not be scary or dreadful if i do work there. then again, i really hope to get the JTC job. it wld do me good when i apply for scholarship. yeah. sigh. let's see how it goes.
oh ya. there's this guy called freddy who's really nice. i tok more to him than others. though not lyk making frens convo but more on wad's happening now at K-box. haha. nice. so after i reached home, i quickly sms yh and told him abt my adventure! and told him tat i wanna go K-box with him nxt time! he always go there wan. haha. i think it'll be LOTS of fun!
all in all, this week has been alot of first-times for me. strangely enough b4 year 2007 ends. first time go *ahem*, the drinks (3 types), CHIJMES, Seasons Reasons,! it sure is fun man!
okay. lastly, to add, i met up with victor. caught a movie. national treasure. it wasn't too bad. the movie. quite interesting. at least both victor and i had some time to catch up and talk aft the movie. and i felt so bad for being late :( saw his bike too :) okay. tat's all. hope to get a job soon!
Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ 2:20 pm
so i went there last nite. make-up at sh's house. den waited for her fren to come down. took a cab down tat cost $3.50 each. and i was so surprised that a hotel is jus beside it. i'll be quite upset if i were a tourist staying there. saw many ppl.
then, kai yi (i hope i spell correctly) and sh started complainin abt the long queue. they tried to call their frens to cut the queue but none were queuing at that time. even melissa and josh had already got an entrance into it. so we had to queue right frm the back. but it wasn't that bad after all. it moves and it's quite fast. so check IC and check bag. they din ask any qns. and kai yi had to memorise another person's IC. haha.
thankfully i went to see the website and got a glimpse at how the place looks lyk. so i wun be wow-ing myself away. so jus went in. the crowd wasn't too bad. put our bags at the counter and went to toilet. then i carelessly left my tag in the cubicle la! when i went back to get it, it's almost lyk begging the cleaner to give it back to me. cos a lost of tag is $8 :S i sure wun want to pay that amt! got a drink. since it was 1-for-1, we got 4 glasses in total. 2 lychee martini and 2 glasses of sprite vodka mix. they almost wanted to give us 2 jugs la. yee. so drank here and there. burning but after a while, it's gone. din get drunk and din get high. hmm. i wonder why. is it i drink too little or i can hold my alcohol content? haha. yet to find out!
then, went to another section to find ky's fren. and sneak into that section too. tried to dance but din lyk the music there. made some more frens frm that clique. after that, headed to mambo and it was super crowded. squeezed in. initially had a good space then ppl started squeezing and pushing us. so it made us really quite piss. went out and wanted to sneak into the previous section but they were too strict. as it's a new rule, it pissed ky even more. then went up to outside the toilet and discussed wad to do. for me, i din mind squeezing in at the mambo dance floor. i quite lyk the music there. and i have confidence i can squeeze in well enough to get everyone a decent space to dance. hmm. anyway, we decided to try the dance floor again. thankfully, we got a space there and so we jus stayed on. lost track of the other clique until one of the guys came.
boy! i tell you! it feels so much different when there's a guy arnd! security as some may say. ie. you know he's there when you need help and when other ppl starts to get a bit too much. his name? kuok ming. and there was one time when we were so squeezed cos ppl were walking thru, he offered to switch places with ky so she wun get so many knocks. nice :) so stayed arnd. followed the actions. well, i caught many guys' eyes. they wld look at me longer than usual. but me being me, i looked away fast lah. though some can be quite handsome. ha. oh oh. i was so surprised la. some of the guys look really old..lyk close to 30s. yee.
anyway, can bear the music. can dance. but i'm not a good dancer nor extreme. so dun expect much frm me. and i jus feels strange when i see sh dance. hmm. guess a pic of her dancing never really cross my mind b4.
okay. at one pt of time, we were harrassed by 2 guys and so had to move in to join this grp of 3 guys. one of them had actually been looking at me for a long time. i've noticed. but i din bother abt him. and so when we had to merge, i was lyk..okay. then, we intro each other. he then switched places with the guy beside me so he can talk directly to me. asked for my name again and seemingly shake my hand for the 2ND time. i began to get suscipious.
he intro himself as one who's studyin med in NUS while the other 2 study law in australia. being me, i was quite thrilled to make frens. and when i told sh their status, she said, "you believe them arh?" then, i rmb that they cld be lying. so guard my heart. but i dunno how much true info i shld give to them! in any case, i jus went honest and told him which sch we all are studying. he asked for our age. i made him guess but still din reveal to him in the end. ha. then, at one point, he put his hand slightly on my shoulder. i was lyk "huh". and then quickly move my shoulder such tt his hand slips off while my eyes are lookin fwd. frm behind me, i heard his fren askin, "she angry arh?". but i din bother replying. a few seconds later, all 3 of them left.
after 5-6 songs, we saw them again, walking thru. they waved to us but left off to another area in the dance floor.
then, it brought me thinking: wah..they go off to find other gals arh? aiyo. do boys really come here to find gals? why? is there pleasure in it? jus recounting the 2 guys that harrassed us and the 3 guys makes me think this way.
when i arrived back at sh's hse, i wonder to myself how things will be lyk if i din shrug off the hand. i wonder how different and wad's the outcome. hmm. cheeky me.
but i know that though this cheeky side of me can think all sorts, it'll never win the battle. i wld never really put them into action. somehow. it's cultivated into me. i dunno if it'll change in the near future but i dun think so. well, jus look at how i act to all the guys whose eyes i've caught though i wld really lyk to make frens with them!
another thought: why do ppl dance? and some dance until so crazy with all the sleak moves. why? to attract attention? to sweat it out? to go with the flow? i dun really understand though. perhaps, that's why, i am not a good dancer and not so provactive. i definitely dun wanna attract attention and there's no one to whom i'm showing off to. i din bring any guy frens along. so who am i impressing? sigh. seein all these somehow makes me see the needs of the world...that they nid to see and know a purpose..for their life. and the purpose is definitely not found in dancing and attracting attention.
well, all in all, it wun be my top priority. i dunno if i'll go the nxt time. but if frens ask me again, i may consider. the nxt step for me? pubbing! and trying out more drinks! haha. i think i may lyk pubbing more. the slow music, slow pace and nice chats with frens :)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @ 12:35 pm
finally, screened thru all the scholarship providers at Brightsparks. did it till my eyes are so painful n head spinning. sent out many email of enquires too. some get me excited while others made me wonder wad i'll do in that particular company if i do get bonded. sigh. i guess chances are v low that i'll do something tat is related to my course. and lyk wad most ppl say, chem engine is the route that most ppl take in order to do business. so will i eventually end up in business? i dunno and i wonder. it'll be quite interesting if i do so cos i'm not very much into business. sigh. finally, the search is over for now :) and congrats to victor who passed his bike test! =)
@ 9:52 am
was looking at Brightsparks yesterday and saw another link to a website for jobs for students. went there and started scrolling down the list of companies calling for students and the position to be filled up. then i saw: Pan Pacific Hotel Singapore. either a permanent (i think) HR or an admistrative assistant with 1 month contract. clicked on the admin one and read through the job description..all the typical filing, data entry. then this caught my eye: assist in ad-hoc project organised by the supervisor! boy! doesn't that sound interesting as it'll provide a good learning experience?
so they required a resume and i began working on it last night. the more i type it, the more it looks lyk typing SGC all over again. ha. and i jus sent it in. boy. the hotel posted the job on christmas eve and i hope the vacancy is still there! it'll be nice if i could have that job. besides, it's only for 1 month! jus as wad i want...i dun think i'll want to work so long in one company. and it's hotel man...a service industry. haven't tired it b4 and it wld be good to have some experience. well, though it's quite unlikely that i'll take a course relating to hotel or tourism or accountancy or management, who knows if this job would change my mind?
okay. putting that aside, i was looking through the scholarship providers. sigh. i feel that many of the providers dun have the universities that i want to go to under their list of "renowned universities in UK, US and Australia". i feel quite sad and stuck. wad am i supposed to do now? apply for the universities that fit the bill or jus forget about going overseas? sigh. gotta research somemore! who knows, i may not go over eventually!
yesterday, for christmas svc, i went over to QBC since my chr doesn't have one. met aunty lynn at the mrt stn there and she almost wanted to pull me away. but told her i was waiting for le jing. then met up with Joan, le jing's fren, who host us throughout our visit in the chr. saw michael and his gf, as well as the family. really glad to see them. liseal, beatrice, aunty and uncle. the service was good. the bassist was really good, i tell you. haha. and the songs were a good reminder to me on the real meaning of christmas and how He sent His son for our salvation.
after service, le jing and i kept trying to find aunty ghim har but can't. i talked to uncle again. micahel's father. told him that i'll do chem engineering most prob in NTU, tat's where he is lecturing in. so he told me that he'll be teaching me physics for the first year under common engineering. ha. then told him i'll need lots of guidance! he was nice. he said he dun mind and gave me his email address. also told me to jus drop by and knock on his office whenever i need help. yes! i got a professor's help for my lousy physics studying skills! haha. i jus hope i wun die during uni when i study physics!
so after everything, le jing and i left the chr. she joined the QBC youths for lunch at vivo while i headed off to uncle jospeh's house for a lunch gathering. it wasn't as many ppl as i expected though but glad to see jerold and mark again. and made a new fren called san (i think). he's from australia, jus came back for a visit. was jerold's army buddy. then, got to talk more to jerold again..uni stuffs lyk modules and credits and write-ups for scholarships. after that, played some games with number cards with reuben, sarah and bernice. fun!
headed for uncle su thay's house thereafter. din talk much to my cousins. they are ever so shy and quiet. esp ashley. i was also a bit tired and bored so wasn't asking alot of qns. there and then, i found out that Karen's getting married soon! in Feb nxt year! wow! another wedding *YES* wonder if there will be handsome guys there. i heard that the groom's father is a chr elder so can expect a big chr congregation to be there. by one they all are getting married eh? Eric and Eugene! quickly get married! you all are my first cousins yet not the first to get married. haha. jus the other day i saw Karen's bf and now they are engaged and getting married. haha. well, at least i'll see daniel and all my cousins again! and serve tea! i wonder if there would be this section... now, jus dreaming of wad dress to wear for the dinner. haha.
Monday, December 24, 2007 @ 10:18 pm
yay! i bought a new dress today! okay. actually, khalis buy for me. i do the choosing and he did the paying :) an unexpected meet-up today. but very happy about it. cos it almost seemed impossible to meet this year then suddenly he asked for a turnout. so met at JE. he ate his lunch at LJS. catch up. initially it was awkward. honestly, it has been 1 month since we last met. so to me, i felt it was quite hard to talk in front of him though we talk on the phone often. then, played pool. and they charge crazily high la! $9 plus!! when the weekday rate was $4plus. suscipious. asked him to check with them but he say nvm. i think the last time we played there, it was that ex too.
pool was nice and fun. though i lost and missed so many balls. was quite discouraged at one point of time. but learnt quite alot from him too.
then, while i was queuing up for the toilet, an idea struck me for wad khalis can get for my christmas present. told him it was either an eye-pencil or a new dress/shirt for my *ahem*. so then, we jus pop into This Fashion. i tell you, it was so hard to choose a nice dress. i literally stopped and stared at the clothes in front of me. this is the first time when i dun really nid to look at the price tag (cos someone's paying) or nid to put the price of clothes in mind. he was also telling me tat no one wears jeans and jean mini skirt to *ahem* hmm..
anyway, i ended up looking at the mannequins with the dresses. then, khalis noticed i kept looking at this brown dress. it so fits the occasion. so i grabbed it, tried it on and showed him. he commented that it looks nice and okay. when i asked if it's too long, he said it was but at least it isn't touching the knee nor over it. ha. jus slightly above it. but i so love it! after i changed out, i jus held on to it thinking of whether it should be bought. and finally, after Khalis' tempting-me, the dress was bought! a halter-neck one =) very happy. i think i can use it not jus for *ahem* but for my uni days too! some dinner and dance event. he say can. and it's the first non-formal dress that i have! price? reasonable--$22 :)
so after the shopping, it really broke alot of ice. so we begin talking alot till i wished there was more time. he was nice. sat and sent me off to home. but out of courtesy, i waited with him for the bus on the opposite side too. when i went home, i was prepared tat mum wun lyk it. true enough, she din really lyk it when i held it up. but i tried it on still after shower and showed her. then reasoned that it's something lyk my prom dress with an extra cloth going round my neck. so finally she say it's okay. *yes* :) but yes, my back is really not that nice..with all the dots. ha. muz get rid of them one day!
so i called up sh who's been there lyk for the past 3 wednesdays! i was shocked when she told me that! very surprised. but also good la. at least i got a fren who is familiar with the doings. but i jus hope she wun leave me alone! i offered to pay for her cab fare since she's kinda tight on cash. and then staying over at her house! so happy! my first time staying over at ppl's house! excited definitely since it's been some time since we've seen each other. actually not very long ago. we jus met last mth quite immediately after A's =) anyway, will be going to her hse to make-up since i think she'll be a better expert that afternoon. then we'll go over there tgt! =)
so with a new dress and an occasion to look forward to, i'm so thrilled! yay! i'm goin *ahem* soon on wed nite! so excited. it's still undecided if we'll be joining the jptn that day or we'll jus sit alone elsewhere. hmm. well, i jus hope all this excitement wun turn to disappointment. and i hope i wld be sporting and daring enough to go fwd!
okay. so despite all this, i hope i wun forget that christmas comes first. tml is christmas day already. will be attending the christmas service at QBC tml :) together with le jing. yups. hope it'll be a good time spent. then, lunch at uncle joseph's place. then maybe go to my uncle's house. and hopefully, we'll all go to a park and take nice photos and see sunset! either labrador or changi broad walk. i jus hope it doesn't rain and it wun be so cloudy! =)
on the last note, THANKS KHALIS for the dress!
Sunday, December 23, 2007 @ 11:49 pm
at the end of the incident in the canteen, it brought me to a good conclusion. when i was crying, how much i longed for a christian guy that i can share this with. naturally, "having a bf" thought came into my mind again. how i wished that i was attached so i can run to him. but i realised something. it's SO impt to have a christian bf. i will feel v uncomfortable and he may not understand my situation if he isn't a christian. besides, who doesn't want Godly counsel in times lyk this that is so low? i jus pray that God will send me a Christian bf soon. and in the meantime, learn to depend on Him lest i really lose my focus and faith when i'm attached. gotta be that "better half" (rmb? myanmar trip) lyk being a strong Christian and doing the right thing right now--depending on God. mm.
wanna talk about my spiritual life. gotta be honest and admit. it hasn't been good. really. ever since the A's has stopped. with all the goin-outs, my daily schedule of doing QT at 6pm has been disrupted. and i never did fix another time slot for it. and at times, i can be jus so tired that i flop down to bed and enter dreamland while saying my prayers halfway. i did my QT during my mission trip. but in vietnam and youth camp and the days in wun find me flipping open my devotional book. bad. v bad indeed. i felt so dry really. i dunno why i lost that spiritual hunger after A's and when all the partying and travelling sinks in. and perhaps that is the reason why i cannot stand strong today. in my mind, i know i gotta do something about it. but i hope that it wouldn't jus be the mind working but my soul and spirit acting upon the command given by my mind.
yes Lord, make me hungry for you and your word once again. renew that fire in me.
talking about mind, reminds me of the one phrase that i told my fren: perhaps God gave us the mind so as to guard the heart lest the heart makes us follow our desires that can lead to dire consequences. so dun scold yourself when your mind and heart are in conflict.
i had this thought in vietnam: shadows of doubt. i was wondering to myself: why shadows? why use the word to describe doubts? then, i realised, it's cos in reality, there is always a good thing to the issue. there is always a good outcome, whether or not it is an outcome you are expecting. there is always something to gain--a lesson, a memory, a difference made in ppl's life etc. and doubts are jus there to confuse you, to make you lose focus, to make you lose confidence, to make you hurt and upset such that it's hard for you to continue on...but, take heart, it is only a SHADOW. for when you step out of that dark patch and let yourself be bathed in the light behind that obstacle, you'll begin to see things with a different perspective and do things differently. you'll begin to see things more optimistically, try to work around that obstacle such that you are no longer in the shadow but in the light. and of cos, can't do it without God in the center of your life! amen! =)
finally, i was listening to her story last night and i felt so burdened after that. i felt so sad for her. she's really in quite a fix. quite a bad situation (as both of us acknowledged it). can hear the annoy-ness in her voice. and the things that he did to her is jus so i really feel for her so much so that after i hang up on the phone, i still felt sad. it almost seems lyk it is happening to me. on one hand, i thank God that it din happen to me and victor was a very nice guy (told him so immediately last night). while on the other hand, i pray fervently. i had to remind myself that God is sovereign and that He has a hand in this. it isn't up to me or my advices that will make a difference to the situation but only His decision and perfect plan. i jus pray that she will be strong and firm and knows wad she really wants. i pray for alot of things for her. i guess i'll jus keep to them to myself for now. i'm lyk one of the few frens that knows about this situation and it jus pains me that she doesn't wanna tell an adult about it. perhaps that's where part of the burden comes from. and even worse still when i dun have anyone to tell this story to. i jus pray that God will give me wisdom..
last of last, i'll miss my family esp my siblings and their laughters and joys they bring to my life with all the lame jokes if i ever do go overseas to study. jus went down to an agency ytday with mum. the consultant suggested 2 UK universities and 2 Australia universities based on the course (chemical engineering) that i'm going to take. either university of newcastle or adelaide--both in australia, or university of newcastle or manchester--both in UK. mm. can buy manchester united pdts for you fans at a lower rate :P nevertheless, see if i can get a scholarship first. if can't, then most prob i wun go. if can, then i'll miss my family lots. esp reuben and sarah. i will definitely do a "miss frens" entry nxt time! jus that hearing their laughter at the back jus nudges my thoughts...
@ 10:25 pm
[sad and hurt]
today i hit an all-time low emotionally. went to church. felt lyk a santa claus giving out presents. ha. but glad to put a smile on ppl's faces. and see so many ppl la. amazing how Christmas always seems to gather everyone back. saw jess and cary. miss them lots. and they brought alot of frens too. saw jethro's frens that joined us for youth camp--howard, tai khoon, weng fai..and gave them present. when i gave to howard, he said he felt bad. ha. but dun nid la. and then, joyce and elieen turned up too! =) samantha's back! with an american accent. i played the keyboard today. not bad. new song though it sounds a bit weird when we finally played it during service.
then, lunch was good. not too bad though i din eat a $5 worth of food. ha. and i had a hard time finding aunty jennifer! after lunch, gathered the youths and that's where the whole sad story comes in. spoke. announced. asked. silent. blank faces. flared up. anger boiling. spoke to kah hwee and aunty janet who were very nice. cried. broke down. le jing's comfort. thanks gal. wash up. still very hurt until now. there. the story told in short sentences. it wasn't about the skit that i was angry about but the character of the youth body. the pile-up of feelings throughout this year that escalated towards the end of this year and into the trigger--the skit.
kah hwee was very nice to me. gave me good encouragements. thanks. so was le jing when she talked to me. but no words and no one can change wad has already been marred in me. life as an assistant leader really isn't easy. i din expect hinderances and obstacles to be this bad. really. i know the road wun be easy but not this bad. i dunno. on the surface, perhaps, none of you can see it. unless i say it out loud. well, i still have one more year. part of my term. i jus pray that i'll be willing to ask for strength. reminds me of wad nicholas shared today during his testimony: God does not help those who help themselves, rather, helps those who are willing to let God help them. amen to that!
today was the baptism of the 2 samuels and nicholas! missed nic's one. quite sad. but glad i was in time for the faber crest samuel :) i also had my baptism on the christmas season about 7 years ago :)
after church, went home, drop the things and went out again to shop at town. with mum and dad! so hip eh? i think they are one of the oldest there in the shopping malls. ha. reuben bought a levi jeans. saw jethro and his frens :) glad to see them again. had a little more chat with daniel as he decides whether to buy the $59 lamp for a gal that he doesn't know very well. wow. i tell you. when i heard that story from him, i was so shock la. spent so much on a gal that you dunno well. so dunno wad kinda taste the gal has also. hmm. i was thinking to myself: if ever there's a guy that does this to me, i'll be so touched and happy! haha.
okay. got myself an OP pencil box that looks more lyk a big pouch and i got a pouch to replace my current wallet cos the buckle at the zip jus broke. yeah. thanks mum for buyin that pencil box and thanks sarah for the new pouch! it wasn't easy finding the pencil box. walked to many places. and i din really lyk the billabong designs. too common. plus it was raining and among the 4 of us (not incl my sis), we only had one umbrella. and poor dad was caught in the last batch of heavy rain cos he was trying to find us amist the crowd. nevertheless, it was nice and an experience to go town with my parents. they always dun lyk the idea of going town. so it really did surprise me when they suggested it!
Friday, December 21, 2007 @ 9:15 pm
great! youth camp was jus over!! =) came back ytday. glad it went well. thank God for the good weather tat we had so that we can play all the games the youths had put in effort to plan. and i'm glad there were no injuries during the games..only that Jerold fell at the ramp area and scraped his knee. thank God for the sermons and the breaking of ice both within my chr and with the other churches.
well, i was glad to see Elieen and Joyce again. i'm glad we can talk and get along quite well right from the start. met them long long time ago and so glad to see them again. both le ying and i asked if they are comin to chr this sun and they said they wld! i do hope so. they din repond to the altar call but outside the villa, i saw aunty geak hong talking to the 2 of them about salvation. it brought me to mind that my job is not jus bringin frens to chr but it involves more than that. it involves telling them about the gospel personally and inviting them again, even if the pastor had already done so. you know how much courage it takes to raise that hand to declare the conviction or to step forward to ask for prayers. esp in a small grp. so one-to-one is always good.
sermons were not bad. all in all, there were 4 sermons. on leadership. using moses as the example we draw from the Bible, Pastor Timothy Phua spoke in a very entertaining way. showed us clips from Prince of Egypt, on Nick and Martin Luther King. well, i was actually hoping it would be more bible-based ie learning about God's Word but it turned out to be more lyk a leadership conference. and sometimes he jumps until i "huh". i rmb there was once jethro and i huh-ed together. but we jus accepted and hear wad he has to say. oh well. i guess it benefits people whether now or in the long run.
we played all the games that the sec 3s, sec4s and le jing & jethro planned. glad it all went well. no crop-ups except for one tiny part. but glad there was shade and had lots of fun playing the games! besides the planned games, there was time to play Taboo and pictionary (the right way). and in that camp, i realised the good thing about Taboo! it helps to break the ice as it forces people to talk. as everyone in the group gets to go up once, it really forces the shy ones to do their best and talk it out. it also helps me to see that those shy ones can also really talk well deep down inside. and the different styles of how ppl conveys the words :)
playing pictionary was fun. and we had to modify a bit. cos there were 3 groups and sometimes all 3 shouts out the answer at the same time. me being the judge, it makes my job very tough. so after a few rounds, i'd to call out 2 other judges. attach each of us to the 3 grps and raise the hand or alert me if their grp gets it first. haha. and tat's SO much better!
all of Jethro's frens introduced themselves as Peters. and the ALBC youths really start calling them Peters. haha. but i had the list of their names so i slowly learnt to match the name to face. i lyk weng fai. that guy with white specs. one of the more active ones. willing to tok. and he does have a handsome feature. and also Ben Lim. he's in my grp and has a broken wrist. came to camp with that cast and bandage. i was thinking "oh no. have to take extra care of him". but i'm glad nothing serious happened. and he can catch water bombs with jus one hand! superb! =)
glad to see Jerold again. prob on the second day into camp, then i realised that he seems to be looking at me. hmm. i wonder why but jus be cool and talk to him. yeah. and i should have insisted to dress his wounds with the yellow lotion! i offered and told him so but he said don't need. he being older, i naturally listen to him lor. then, the nxt day, eleena and evelyn dressed his wounds with the lotion. ha. i shld have insisted if i'd know he'll agree that readily. haha. but it thought me one thing: to bring cotton buds and cotton pads nxt time to put the yellow lotion! plasters are not enough!
not to forget, we celebrated Le Jing's birthday!! the gals all wanted to hide behind the curtains in the toilet but LJ woke up too early. then, we jus entered the toilet one by one to use whiteboard marker to write on the mirror =) then, led her outside the room and shouted happy birthday! gave her a hug each. and we had such a hard time dragging her to the toilet. that's cos she's still in a daze having drop dead on the bed when she arrived at the villa. and when she finally entered, she got a big shock. seriously. but she was very very happy. we din rub it away all the way till the end of camp :) there was also a small cake celebration for her and lydia whose bday is on 31 dec.
had a short chance to interact with ACTS baptist church people. during group work of 2 sessions. had shawn who's 12 yrs old, yan ting who's 13 and Julian who's 20. le jing was in my group too! and we did have a good time. they invited us for a good breakfast on the 3rd day! the food spread was splendid! they had aunties/mothers to cook for them. there was a big pot of porridge, one container of honey stars, one container of coco-crunch, one big tray of nuggets, one big tray of sausages, one pot of boiled eggs, one pot of chicken and mushroom in dark sauce, one big pot of ice milo and 4-5 packets of fresh milk! wah! imagine tat! i can't believe it la. such splendid food! haha. they are really blessed. and i thank God for them in willing to share food with us. and of course, i did manage to talk to some of them. made frens with the gals. and played a little game with them too :) it was quite hard for me to leave them when it was time to go. wish there was more time to interact with them!
i showed the overcomers the video i made. i'm glad they all lyk it. and it was nice. finally the efforts and time i'd put into it paid off! and i do hope to see those that joined us for the camp to join us at the events and outings that we will have nxt year. and i pray tat God will give me strength to organise it even though i may have been quite battled and worn down recently. below are some pictures both with ACTS baptist church and within ourselves. do check out the "it's about the cross" video at the previous post!

@ 9:04 pm
It's about the Cross by Gofish guys
This song was introduced during the camp by Pastor Timothy Phua. i can't find the actual videos that actually have cartoon graphics. so this is the best i can get at It's also on youtube but i decided to use godtube instead. youtube has different graphics that can be quite "ouch". anyway, i hope you lyk both the video and music/lyrics. and indeed, "it's about the cross, it's about my sin, it's about how Jesus came to people once so that we could be born again. It's about the stone, that was rolled away, so that you and i could have realised someday, it's about the cross..."
Monday, December 17, 2007 @ 8:53 pm
[happy and more soothed at soul]
today i went for my dental check-up. and to my surprise, my dentist is a guy! i had never seen a dentist who's a guy nor ever had a male dentist to check my teeth. boy! wasn't i happy? haha. he's young and handsome. young, i mean really young for a dentist. looks lyk he jus graduated from the dentistry course. and he do have a nice set of teeth too (naturally).
so he checked and told me that i'd a cross-bite. said that one of my tooth is at risk of being dead. and when it dies, i need to do a root-canal or something lyk that. that operation sounds very familiar cos i think my mum did it. and she did say it hurts alot. being a noob, i asked qns lyk wad does it mean when the tooth is dead and wad happens if i leave the prob alone. at the end of it, i told him i'll consider.
then he proceeded to clean up my teeth. after that, he asked if i wanna do it. huh? i was surprised. i asked if i nid to tell him now and he shook his head lyk a little boy. ha. den, after a while i know why he keeps asking. cos he wanna persuade/convince me that i shld correct that tooth. he kept saying it many times. so cute. haha. he also suggested me doing braces instead of jus working on that tooth only. he says it'll be less painful and it'll be better for me at this age. hmm. anyway, he wrote me a referral letter to either one of the 3 hospitals/clinics that do it but i have to make an appt myself. well, in any case, it was a great and fun and nice encounter! i jus wish (deep down within the cheeky me) that i'd the courage to make frens with him. or perhaps something more?? lol. jus the cheeky me. haha. but he being such a nice guy and funny, surely attached wan :P after that, rushed down to Penisula Plaza. withdrew quite a large sum and changed to RM at one of the money changers there. and dun really lyk the guys that try to tok to me and be nice and funny. bleah. but anyway, changed at a good rate. paid the deposit for the conference room for the youth camp. after that, rushed down to catch a movie! with jeremy, ben and matt.
wached Warlords. so war-y and so guy-y show. i wasn't very entertained but i think it's a nice show for a guy. dun really lyk all the bloody scenes. so gross. legs and hands flying. yee. the worst was the massacre. but i think the leader was pushed too. considering the little food there's left. but quite sad that the leader turned out to be quite inhuman in the end. and i din noe andy lau acted!!! until i heard 2 boys talking about it while i was at the corridor outside the toilet. den i had to ask jeremy about it. ha. wah. cldn't recognise andy lau in the movie la. i only took note of jet li. ha. silly me.
after the movie, quite sad la. din really get to spend time tgt with each other. lyk sit down and drink something and chat. hmm. dunno why. oh well. after that, i headed down to Baptist Book Store at Novena. wasn't easy to find the place considering it was raining. and i accidentally stepped into a pile of water. grr. the bookstore is really small compared to SKS. not wanting to make a wasted trip there, i bought wad i intended to get. at least got a 25% discount on one of the books. i hope the recipients of my gifts will be happy with it! and i pray that the gifts will prove useful and make a difference in their lives, together with the Holy Spirit's work in them, of course!!
then, headed down to United Square! went to popular. bought wad i wanted. it was nice shopping there. looking at the stationaries and the gift items they have there. boy! doesn't it feel good to jus leave my work and worries and tasks aside jus to shop or do something i lyk or something that i need to do personally. yeah. it does feel great! =) it was a good break :)
tml is the youth camp already. i hope i'll pack all the things that are needed. will be back on thu! i hope all goes well and we'll have a good time with God through the sermons! i hope he wun create any trouble for me and the entire youth group. mm.
Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ 10:35 pm
[stressed and skeptical]
argh!! i'm jus so piled up at my head!! and the video prog gave me probs jus now la. jam up on me so many times!! so tiring. i dunno. jus so tiring. after seeing her break-down a bit, i know i'm not know alone in this. but it's jus so tiring handling.....okay. i know i shldn't complain. but i really dun get v co-operative ppl. i'm jus tryin to do something nice for them but... argh... it jus makes my job so hard and my morale so down. it jus makes me so skeptical about doing more things with them or even asking them to do things. sigh. i'm tired man. really Lord. i'm tired.
i jus wished that the hols will come back again. i practically din think about my work here in spore. i jus enjoyed myself all the way. ahh. i'm tired
Read this today in my devotion: The Bible is the: - Storehouse of the Promises
- Sword of the Spirit, before which temptation flees
- All-sufficient Equipment of Christian usefulness
- Believer's Guidebook and Directory in all possible circumstances
But, it is useless to dream of making headway in the knowledge of Scripture unless we are prepared to practise each new and clearly-defined duty which looms out before our view. so wad is that duty/command that is in your view? Well, i'm sure there are many other things the Bible is but i jus found this devotion a good reminder and thought-provoking. i hope it is an encouragment to you too!
Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 10:10 pm
[irritated and reflective]
argh. been trying to upload my Hanoi photos since this afternoon and there always seems to be error :S making me so irritated!! so i jus decide to post something here online.
jus finish making a video! yay! but it jam up on me several times. dun lyk. then learn to constantly save my project. even tiny bit of edits or adds or changes.
sis slightly better. i hope the med will quickly work on her. she had some probs sleepin last nite. had to sit up straight to slp. then, i woke up with this big painful lump-feeling in my throat! it hurts alot! till now. but thank God this afternoon was better but not now! i hope we will all recover quickly! esp since youth camp is nxt tue!
it was so temptin to go out with Khalis today. but had to make myself stay put at home cos got things to do. grr. but was talking to him last nite. tellin him all my tales! so glad to tok it out. thanks for listening! i noe i talked alot last nite. and then, we were talking abt when is the nxt time we can meet up. quite unlikely soon unless it was today. makes me quite sad. hence, it was temptin for me. but well, the outcome is this: i stayed home the whole day.
okay. reflecting, one thing that came to my mind at the end of the vietnam trip is this phrase: to take care of and be taken care of.
throughout this trip, my dad has always been the one guiding us when our tour guide isn't arnd. telling us where to head, which street to walk in order to buy the items we want, then lead us back to the hotel. also helping us cross the ever-busy streets where the vehicles never stops for us. it makes me wonder if he's stress. i mean, he needs to watch over and take care of the 6 of us plus the others that are following his directions.
with him leading, i really felt at peace. i needn't worry about alot of things except for the clothes in my bag. i do felt very much taken care of. and i wonder how long this feeling can last. i mean, sooner or later, i'll be independent. organising my own overseas trips/hols with my frens. and better still, goin on hols with my own family and that means planning it. it will then dawn on me that i will have to take care of ppl and stop bein taken care of. i think i'll miss the feeling but the challenge to plan and be responsible is wad i'm lookin fwd to embrace!
Friday, December 14, 2007 @ 5:07 pm
[cold but relieved]
jus came back from a children's party held at my chr! it was nice! i was the photographer so you wun see me in any of the pics. boo. a big grp of them. from Fei Yue BB and CCK and of course, Bible Clubs. played games, tell stories etc. glad the youths came to help out! thanks!
okay. so continuing and finishing off my Hanoi story...
so the nxt day was shopping day! i blogged the previous entry until so late that i'd a hard time waking up! then, got rushed downstairs for breakfast. sorry to le jing and uncle christopher for waiting for me. din get a chance to send off aunty joanna's family either. reuben also forgo his shopping time so he can slp in. ha. but that shopping time proves worth it! i'll tell you why...
we went to the market. a common market. definitely not to buy vegetables etc but to buy gift items! and we bought SO many shell purses! there are 3 storeys to that market place. it looks a bit lyk beach road the army shops kinda layout. the 1st floor is the one that attracts us the most and the 2nd is selling cloths and shirts while the 3rd is selling children's clothes. then, in the 1st floor, all the bags are located at one area, the jewelleries at another etc. so organised eh?
and it was there tat i got a new bag!! i got a North Face bag! it was super cool la! suddenly my mum and dad say that my yellow bag is too old and shld be thrown away. so they decided to buy me another bag with the same volume. ha. so there it is! i got a new orange bag! but i feel quite sad to leave my yellow bag. it's wad my sec sch frens recognise me for. i rmb sam's incident. and it has stuck with me since sec sch :( had to throw it in vietnam. in the pic below, the lady beside me is the shop seller. haha. funny and random.
i also bought lots of shell purses and pop-out christmas cards! so cute! at one stall, after i'd bought a mirror, one of the salesgirl said "Terima Kasih"! i was shocked! do i look Malay or...?? anyawy, down there, grandma and i took nice photos with the hats. see!

and you know wad? i met Michael!! haha. so coincidental and nice! wanted to tell him tat i was glad to see him but somehow it din come out. lol. i saw En Ting first then Michael boo-ed beside me (lyk wad i did to him last time. ha). saw the whole family too. haha. and Xiang was saying that tho we may be staying in different hotels, we can meet at the center which is the market. how true eh? :) well, glad to see him! and liseal bought so many vietnamese hats for her chr youths! shocking! haha.
so after all the shopping in the market (which was a bit of disappointment cos it din sell as much as the side-streets stalls), we all headed back to the hotel. dropped our things then picked reuben up for lunch and more shopping!! so we headed out again for lunch and a matter of money/who pay came in again. oh well. adults. then, walked the streets!
near our eating place, there was a Dilmah Tea shop! so boy went in to buy Mint tea (his favourite flavour is mint) and i bought Peach. thanks to Wei Hao who made me drink tea so now i can start drinkin tea with more guts! thanks! after that, we headed out to buy 40 embroidery coaster sets! FORTY! i'm not kidding you. aunty jacinta wants 30 and my mum wants 10. wah. even the shop keeper din believe us but we literally took tat number. haha. and got quite a good discount! saw a big wooden dragonfly too! it was nice!
after that, it was CRUMPLER! yeah! le jing and i both bought a crumpler bag! at a v low price. they claim the materials are from australia while the workmanship is in Vietnam. hmm. anyway, i bought a laptop bag! jus as i wished. the padding was good. got my dad to check. so i guess, as long as it works, i'm fine. then, dad bought a samsonite laptop bag! and my family bought another deuter bag! for camping purposes. and uncle christopher got another orange deuter bag too! so all in all, we bought 5 bags! happy ppl!
so after that, le jing and i did manicure!! it was super cool and fun la! it was the first time for le jing and i! it was super fun la! choosing the many designs they offer. but also a bit scared when they start to clean my nails. so now i have this!
it has a pink background with white flowers on it plus glitters. and mind you, it isn't stickers okay? it's really that gal paint for me wan. using a thin brusher. i paid S$5!! it was cheap! at least cheaper than in singapore. yay! so tempting to go back for more manicure. and the gal was also asking me to keep my nails! haha. but i still wun la. i dun lyk to have long nails. feels so dirty. anyway, I LOVE MY NAILS NOW! and it looks funny seeing pinky nails swiping arnd the keyboard! :P the other set with white flowers and green's le jing's manicure design!
so then, it wasn't much shopping already. my bro got 2 nice embroidery purses. glad he and dad bargained for a good price. so met Xiang in the afternoon. was showing her my bag and my manicure! haha. i'm glad le jing and her got a chacne to talk on the bus all the way from the hotel to the airport. got to know her better through their chats. she waited for us to check-in. then brought us up to a restaurant for dinner. but she din join us. so we bid her farewell. boy. i'm goin to miss her lots! she was a really nice and wonderful tour guide! flexible and sociable. takes good care of us and makes sure things are done. and easy to tok to. not strict or too task-orientated. and she's willing to share with us her life--her past and present and future. and indeed, she knows lots of Vietnam. man. I'LL MISS HER LOTS!
the flight was delayed but smooth. touched down at arnd 1.30am. reached home arnd 2am. and slept close to 5am. boy. it was super late. i almost wanted to jus stay up but told myself that i needed slp for the day today. and i feel so bad. all the ppl in my family caught my cough! sorry! they are coughing really badly =(
all in all, here's a few thoughts..both random and not: - after buying the crumpler and doing the manicure, it jus seems lyk the entire trip in Hanoi is about that. lol. i muz remember the sight-seeings too!
- sat on 2 new transports: Land and Sea! the night train rides and the boat rides! it's a pity don't have air lyk sky-diving or parachuting or hot air ballooning. but my bro was saying--aeroplane! haha. i dunno *shrugs*
- Rule the world by Take That. the theme song for Stardust. it keeps getting stuck in my head towards the end of my hols. haha. it's a really nice song!
- had quite a line scratch on my face during the trip. din noe how i got it but it looked quite bad. glad it's okay now.
- Hanoi has lots of noise pollution! in the sense, they vehicles are practically horning everywhere and everytime! and there are lots of motorcycles on the road! grr. and crossing the road is super scary. have to cross slowly. you can never wait for the road to clear b4 crossing. towards the end of the trip, kinda got used to it already (: but nevertheless, dangerous!
- thank God that my grandma survives the many streets that we walked and the steps that we climbed and the cold weather we endured! really thank God for preserving her life and health. many ppl in my grp were wow-ed that she can walk and climb.
- Thank God that mum survived despite her fractured toe too!
- thank God for the breaks. never went overseas so many times in one year before. though it's rushing, i still thank God for this holiday and the mission trip :)
- aunty Cas gave me a lip gloss today! i was surprise cos it's really unexpected. thanks! so now i gotta make it a habit to put it on regularly!!
- I pray that my family members including myself will get well soon! esp sarah and reuben cos they'll be goin for youth camp nxt tue!
- I've uploaded pics on the prev posts. together with a prom post (with pics) which i purposely altered the date. so do check it out! the date of entry should be 6 dec
- yh is goin to NS tml! all the best, man! and you'll survive! and make good frens too!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 @ 11:31 pm
[mountain-hugged, sea-breeze kissed and eyes dazzled]
yes. the 2 days i din blog cos i was on a SHIP! a boat. stayed overnight there! my first time! awesome! it sure was fun! esp when the 2 groups are sailing together! to Halong Bay! =)) so first, we took a bus from Sapa town down to Lao Cai. so it was bye-bye for the cold weather. i miss it man! was jus getting used to it..
next, at Lao Cai, we ate dinner there. we were about to start ordering when the entire area got a blackout. then, Xiang told us there is a restaurant with lights. all 38 of us are about to leave then the lights came on. so jus ate our food there. but had to wait for a long time cos there was another tour-grp downstairs that had already made reservations.
so it was a night train back to Hanoi. we played pictionary together! again! all the teenagers! split into 3 groups with the 3 18-yr-olds heading each of the grp. it was super fun! the cabin was so small that my grp has to sit on the upper beds! 2 on each bed so that makes 4 of us in the team. get to break the ice between liseal and beatrice. my team was the furthest on the board.
so when we arrived, greeted by a bus then it was off to a cermaic/garment factory/workshop for breakfast. looked at many sculptures too! but can't take photos. they also make and paint pots and vases! it was really interesting though i've already seen it in NZ. but there was this painting where it was made of thread. ie. sewn. and it's so manual labour. so many adults were sitting there and sewing. but one thing i lyk about this factory: they employ even the disabled (: it was tempting to buy the products but they are really expensive!
and it was there and then that we invited the other 3 teenagers to join us for the game. but i'm glad they are sporting and come and join us. yes. we played pictionary at the workshop cos we need to kill 1 hour there. we finally finished all the way to the end (: and the grouping was interesting: one all-girls team, one all-guys team and one mix team. i was in the mix one. and the all-girls team won. so all in all, the teenageres are: joseph, justin, sharon, reuben, sarah, le jing, michael, beatrice, liseal, en ting, shermin, jonathan, dave, marcus (he was the judge. ha. and we made him upset once cos we all shouted the correct word at the same time and he can't decide which team got it first. ha). yeah! i'll miss all of them! in fact, i'm starting to miss them now too!
so, we headed for a pier which was a 3-hour drive from the factory. we boarded a boat and placed our bags on the boat. then sailed out to the ocean to one of the many islands. there, we looked at caves! it was fun! and nice! can apply my geog knowledge. took photos too!
but looking at all the paved paths that made for us and the lights that they put there, it jus makes me sigh. so much of its natural landform has man altered. quite sad. Xiang told us stories about the caves too! then, we walked to another cave. this one is less touris-y than the previous one. it has paved out wooden planks so paths but it was v much natural! even got bat droppings all over! it was nicer. at least for me..closer to the heart of nature :) but, hey, all these dun come easy man. we had to climb umpteen steps up! and some are quite steep! super TIRING!!
then, went over to Titop hill for a climb and a look-out. supposed to catch the sunset there on the hill. when i heard it, i gave a squeal and this is how i look (see below's pic later on). and it's always these kinda pics that my dad say i have a natural smile. if only i can smile lyk that for every single photo. haha.
so, when we docked, we had to climb lots and lots of stairs! seems v endless! this is how high we climbed (see below's pic later on). it was super high and steep again. glad my mum made it! yay! was cheering for her when she reached the pavilion. but a pity we missed the sunset! nevertheless, we took many photos up there. can see the many rock landforms and islands (:
at one point of time, i went away from my family to see the red streaks of sky. then Michael asked, "want a photo?" and i readily answered okay. he stood so far frm me again la. so i'd to ask him to come closer to me so it wun look weird on the photo. in the end, we took a really nice one! but a pity it's only on his camera and not mine. i hope he'll send it over soon! can see the red sky despite the flash! lovely!
so Michael and i had a nice chat down the steps. then, Dave joined in and we started talking together. oh. quite cool that Michael wants to be a GP teacher! tat'll be nice! a first time i hear a guy talking abt teaching quite passionately and as a first choice career! way to go! and head-right-on for your dream, Michael! and through the chats, i found out that Dave stays in Pasir far... and his tongue is super sharp! for a 12-yr-old kid. yee. v sarcastic...
so that day, we showered and ate dinner on the ship. shared my cabin with my bro. it was nice. and at night, the upper deck's really dark and quiet. can see quite a number of stars though it's a bit dark. and i finished my thriller that night in the cabin. i wanted to go up to gaze at stars at arnd midnight. but decided against it. i dun really feel comfortable with all the sailors on the same boat as us. dunno wad will happen if i go up alone. so had to miss the chance of star-gazing. perhaps, nxt time with my husband/husband-to-be! =)
oh! btw, they split all of us to 3 boats. and it sure was fun ship-jumping! and we also played pictionary again that night! i made them come over to my boat since i'd the game. but honestly, i was afraid i'll drop the game into the sea while climbing over. we din finsh the game but it sure was fun. and good observation skills beatrice! she knows that she's always paired up with me and liseal with le jing. haha. this time round, all 3 teams are mixed. quite a pity i din get a chance to be in the same team with Michael. well, at least got a chance to be with jonathan, liseal, beatrice, justin and Shermin! break the ice..
the nxt day, le jing and i did our devotion tgt on the deck after breakfast! we read 2 psalms and sang several songs together. it was lovely. esp with the mountains and hills and islands and the vast and beautiful scenery before us. and i knew God spoke something to me...
well, we were supposed to go kayaking to a cave that day in the morning. it cost US$10 per person. BUT, the tide came in and they suspected there may be a current. so they advised us against going. oh man. so sad. the thought of kayaking actually pulled me out of bed in the morning. sigh. oh well. another time i guess. with my...haha..i'm sure you can fill the blanks in yourself :P so we headed out to the pier again. oh! but something interesting happen again!
i was bored at my ship and wanted to talk to Michael again. so i jumped ship after i'd finished packing and landed in his dining area. they were all playing Big Two. so i joined in the 2nd round and played once. i din end well. and towards, the end of the game, i found out that my boat has actually detached itself frm the other 2 boats! it was lyk "oh no" for me! cos my parents din noe i jumped ship either. so i waved and thankfully, dad saw. so i was stuck in Michael's and Dave's ship (the 2 other ships).
sat at the front and started talking to Michael's dad. with uncle christopher around. and so timely! uncle (Michael's dad) is teaching at NTU, common engineering! and so i asked him to intro me on chemical and environmental engineering. it was good. can help me in choosing more carefully. and he also advised me doing higher degree. uncle v pro. did a degree in australia and then did a PhD straight away. and his PhD paper was pretty cool! =) well, i hope to see uncle around in NTU if i ever go there! he's a v nice guy. along with his wife. both of them look v youthful. and uncle has the same interest as my dad--photography! =) i'm not implying anythinggg... anyway, thanks for the advice, uncle!
after that, i went to the upper deck. michael and dave came along (i dunno why dave ended up there. i dun recall him followin michael and i). i forgot wad we talk about but it sure was nice jus being there and havin both of their company! so finally, we ended off with a rush of Heart-attack game. then, we docked. michael helped me across the last bit. thanks lots man! oh! and le jing was there stuck in the ship too. so i'd some company!
after we docked on land, all the teenagers took a photo tgt. one of the adults even said it's lyk a chr camp photo. lol. but seriously, there were many of us. and i purposely let some ppl hold the pictionary board! for remembrance. and many cameras were snapping at the same time. haha. altogether, there are 7 families. so you can imagine how big that grp is! all in all, it was a good experience on the ship! and at Halong Bay! seeing wad i'd been taught in geography! and it certainly allowed it to be much easier to talk to many ppl now!
okay. so we travelled to a restaurant for lunch. and my poor grandma had to climb 3-stories of stairs cos there is a black out in that building. then, as soon as we reached the level, the electricity was back on again. so the other grp (michael and dave's grp) get to take the lift. had a not-bad-lunch then take photo again. all the teenagers. nice! it was the last time we meet tgt officially. so had to say bye bye. and i randomly asked michael if he was attached. and he said he is. haha. no wonder i say it sounds fishy when he mentioned to me that his best fren who is a gal says she wld put her head on his tummy if he grew fat in Vietnam. ha. i wld NEVER say that to yh. so no wonder. haha. but it wld hv given her more respect if he intro her to me (when he showed me his prom photo with her) as his best fren AND gf. i mean, can't miss that status and special rs you have with that person right? well, i wld certainly want my future bf to say so! :)
ok. so it's back on a 3-hour journey to the city. stopped by the factory for a toilet break again. then, got news that the other grp's bus had a punctured tire. aww. so head off to the hotel. hanoi paradise. glad there's a private com and free internet here! so tat's why i'm typing now! it's 1am plus vietnam time! super late! and i wanted to watch game plan on the dvd player provided but it's not compactible. sad. and they gave a complimentary bottle of red wine! and it tastes so much better than the one on the aeroplane. oops. yea. my bro opened the bottle and i'd a slip jus now. well, my sis got a good room again. VIP room with sofa and LCD tv! jealous. haha.
anyway, went shopping jus now. first at a mall then along the streets. it was shopping spree for me la! belt, earrings and keychains. haha. the dazzling things? earring and necklaces. so tempting! oh! talking abt earrings, i think the earrings i bought at Sapa is too heavy. it seems lyk it's creating a slid on ear hole. yee. and was lookin at the crumpler bags when i heard a familiar voice in the shop. i turned rnd the pillar and saw Dave and Jonathan! i was SO happy! cos we all stay in different hotels yet meet at the same place. and Dave bought a crumpler bag. i hope to get one too! a laptop bag for the future! =)
more shoppin tml! and i'm starting to miss him already. i'll be leavin here at night and reaching singapore near midnight on thu. so that means fri early morning *yawns* well, that means work is waiting at my door. i dun lyk this kinda thing. sigh. i hope my ears and my face wun ache again when i land in Singapore!
finally, jus wanna say, CONGRATS to Jeremy! for completing your BMT and had your POP today right? yay yay! enjoy your 2-week break! and to Khalis, hang in there k? you'll have 3 exercies spread over 2 days starting thu eh? you can do it!
- David sent me an email! it was super cool! i din expect it. i'd wanted to take the initiative (being me) but i din have time. then, at sapa, saw his email. and there is one sentence that he said that really makes me spin round and round in my mind. haha.
- i wanted to know the age of that particular sailor on my boat. he looks younger than the other sailors, quieter and lyks to read. and he and i had a lil secret..where he hides his book in the dinnin area. we both smiled to each other. he has a lovely light brown eyes too! i wanted to talk more to him but aft he finished his tasks on the dinnin area, he left and i waited. he still din appear. so i got bored and jumped ship then got abandoned. so i never did get a chance to see him again nor talk to him. boo...
Monday, December 10, 2007 @ 5:14 pm
[sleepy, giddy but nature-loved]
WATERFALL!! i jus saw it! nice! but quite little water. i mean, not as much as i expected. and the rapids not that strong either. but still, better than none! and the wind was quite strong but i still wore only 2 layers--my sleeveless shirt and my jacket!
took nice photos. the 3 of us, the family (the COMPLETE one), le jing, michael and solo shots! =)) nice!
and i jus bought a new black look-like-leather jacket!! with a fury hood! haha. it looks so nice!! yeah! thanks mum! it was totally unexpected. after lunch then told me she wanna buy me a winter jacket. and lunch was good too! i ate burger, chips etc. it was nice. bar-ge toasted bread. beef. mm-mm.
way down was terrible. super bumpy and so rocky. i almost felt lyk vomitting. bleah. so that's why feeling giddy now. night-train later. i hope i'll be well by then. games tonight?
@ 12:23 pm
[relieved and rushed]
I saw an OSTRICH today! two in fact! for the first time in my life! boy! they look huge n big! and they have 2 toes! that's one of the features we always learn abt ostrich right? nice! n i dare not stand too close to take a photo with them..lest they peck me. they keep pecking at the fence. at first, we only saw one ostrich. then le ying asked why it's so sad, got no company. then, a black ostrich started runnin out of its shed at top speed (or so it seems). so it frightened many of us incl myself. and i started screaming and runnin backwards. haha.
today, we had some short trekking. actually, not really lyk trekking cos there are proper granite paths. but it was a good and pleasant walk! can apply my geography too! weathering. can see the different portholes due to weathering on the rocks. nice. i think they are granite though they are v black. i wish ms seow is here to explain. and i think it has something to do with corestones. seems lyk cos it can't be mass movement. it was a wonderful sight! take nice photos too! :)
of course, there was a price to pay. climbing lots of steep steps :S it sure was tiring and made me breatheless. but good views too. at 2 different look-out points. can see the mountains. highest mountain of Indo-China. tat's wad Xiang said. and she climbed there b4! for 3 days! exciting. should i train myself up for that too? well, thank God for the good weather! clear and nice!
a pity mum and po-po din join when we take family photo, it was lyk an incomplete family photo. haha. and Xiang burned all our tickets for the Cat Cat village! haha. cos she needed fire to dry her clothes. aww. so i quickly took my ticket for this one!
had a nice chat with michael again on the way down. and together with le jing too. the 3 of us :) dunno why he so mean to his sisters. haha. so when we reached back the hotel, it was totally rushing. to shower in half-hour and the water was only mildly hot. boo. not lyk last night where it was really hot. ha. later going to see waterfall! yeah! excited! i hope photo-taking wun diminish the more significant purpose of going there---to enjoy the scenery, take them in and really thank God and all. sigh. anticipation!
and this morning i woke up with pain in my leg. it was due to that hip-bone pain that i had due to ytday's walking. boo. but hey! during breakfast, there was a splendid view! indeed royal as the name of the hotel says so. it was 3 parts to the picture, from top to bottom: clear blue sky, mountain top & range, fog, buildings. awesome!
Sunday, December 09, 2007 @ 5:48 pm
[happy and sweaty]
haha. you bet i'm sweaty! even though the waether is cold. haha. while walking up-hill jus now, i started sweating. dad and Xiang was talking about some mountain expedition. haha. fun and nice. can hear abt this thing called: altitude sickness. scary.
i jus visited the Cat Cat Village. it was nice. but similarly, the girls are a bit of pester. but i'm glad i managed to take some cloes-up photo of kids! and there was this boy...when i showed him the photo i've taken of him, he giggled and gave a laugh! till his eyes are small. so cute! then, walked further down and up stairs and slope. glad po-po survived. uncle christopher was lyk applauding. me too! and then, we walked across this low suspension bridge which is pretty scary for me! took photos at a waterfall. nice solo shots and family photo! and i saw a point-bar too! i think my geog teacher used that scene to teach us. hmm....
as usual, terrances, fog, paddy field, slopes...thank God the paths to walk was proper. made of granite. so it was easier. and it's so lyk Kunming! my mission trip! brought back memories.
and before walking up the slope, mum and po-po sat on a motorbike! on one bike! haha. they say it was nice. i cld have taken it too cos my hip-bone started hurting half-way through but i wanted to prove that i'm strong! haha. well. i survived! jus hope tml i wld be okay! my lunch food got burned out so now i'm hungry. and i made a new fren! Michael! from PJC! same age.
i bought ear rings and necklaces jus now! finally got a earring to put in on since i've forgotten to bring frm singapore. so great! it looks nice. haha. walked through the market and got pestered too.
okay, pretty happy now cos a day's activity is over, made a new fren and cooling weather. memories. earrings. photos. hmm. cold and tired. i guess that's all i gotta say! bye!
@ 12:58 pm
[pestered, aniticipating]
yup! sure got pestered jus now to buy things! 2 young girls kept following me and asking me to buy. said something lyk: you see see and you buy buy. haha. i was lyk..dun want dun want. i actually looked a while to see wad that item is but it was not wad i wanted.
played Big Two with my siblings and pictionary with the kids last night.
looking fwd to trekkin later! better weather now. ciao.
Saturday, December 08, 2007 @ 10:06 pm
[cold, grateful, excited]
Jus a quick ones here so i wun be so luo-suo: - took a night train for the first time! sat on bunk beds. fun. slept on top. in a cabin with mum and another aunty and her son, Marcus. we woke up in the middle of the night. tok a bit, look out of the window a while and asked for time too. it was fun and a good experience!

- arrived in Lao Cai in the early morning arnd 5am (vietnam time). had a light breakfast
- head off to Market place in a village. it was a 3-hour journey!! long and winding up and down-hill. boo. but no regrets.
- bright and beautiful colours of the clothings the gals are wearing. selling cloths and food and cows and horses and other handicraft

- climbed up a small hill to stand near the horses and take photos! not easy but sure was fun. esp goin down the steep slope.
 - winding road up to the royal view hotel. sitting on the van and riding among the fog. scary. blind corners too. i sat in front
- THANK GOD i din vomit! =))
- walking among thick fog. not that cold when i walk slowly. but i still have to wear 3 layers of clothes! and gloves. gotta keep myself warm!
- caught a sore throat. boo. really hurts. i hope i get well soon!
- no heater bed. boo. but i hope the heater in the room works and provides warmth
- reminds me SO much of New Zealand and Kunming (my mission trip)! miss the places!
- thank God there's internet here
- got a chr nearby. feel lyk goin tml but it'll be in vietnamese language. hmm.
- waited for 1 hour for dinner
- going off to play pictionary with the kids soon! jus lyk how we played for 25mins last night in one of the cabin. great fun!
Friday, December 07, 2007 @ 2:10 am
i went off to HANOI, VIETNAM for holiday!! ytday evenin. flight was 5.35pm. it was supposed to arrive at 8.45pm (Spore time) but it din. it taxi-ed for a v long time. and the waiting time for the baggages at vietnam airport was long. it ended up having meet our "tour guide" at 10pm. well, dunno why that airport so funny...put 3 flight's baggages all at the same belt! making the area super crowded..and the immigration officer..quite handsome but i dun lyk him. dun lyk his attitude. also look at me cheekily. then, lyk dun wanna return my passport aft stampin it. hmph.
saw budget terminal for the first time. small. not too bad. at least Hanis cafe owns it all outside the area. but the only thing is, THERE'S NO FREE LOCAL CALLS!! Grr...
met turbulences during the flight. one made my heart in the mouth feeling. and now, getting giddiness. feeling things and myself moving up and down. painful...
so my family and le jing's family are travellin tgt. also, my mum's other fren, aunty joanna and her family. altogether there are 16 of us! =) well, it was a 45-min drive to the hotel so took tt chance to tok to le jing abt the games. then, aft we checked in, headed to a nearby bar cum restaurant for dinner! and we were practically eatin dinner at midnight. ordered at 11.30pm and food arrived at midnight! interesting. and for once, i made a good choice for the family. ordered a hanoi fish and it came on a pan on a charcoal pot! plus noodles and crushed peanuts. it tasted fantastic! and also called the other dishes which were delicious! and relatively cheap too. altogether we spent S$30 for 6 of us. quite cheap for a restaurant and good food :)
at Hotel Elegance Hanoi, they gave complimentary fruits! so cool! but also dangerous cos they provided a blade knife too. scary. then, there was this beautiful red rose! and you know how much i love roses! and the water was warm enough. the guy at the reception was nice. watch me settle down in my room b4 leaving. and he climbed up 6 storeys of stairs! btw, there's only 1 lift in the entire hotel and only 3 rooms per level. so u can expect the hotel to be small. in fact, both my sis and i thought the buildin looks lyk a restaurant frm the outside! haha. and they gave us a very nice rose in each room! and you know how much i love roses!
first impression of hanoi: vintage! it really looks so cottage and ancient style. 3 storeys at most and triangular-pointed roof. doors at the first floor looks so cottage-like and like storybooks. well, also visited the Ho Chi Minh's residence. I din know it was a great man in Vietnam! i tot it was jus a name of a place! they even have the 2 cars that he used! interesting. a pity the monument isn't open for visitation. and it was there tat i found out that Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam! my general knowledge sucks. ha. saw a beautiful peacock too! look! 
Temple of Literature which is the first university of Vietnam was our nxt visit. their textbooks are carved on stones that look like tortoises! it was interesting. but also quite sad to see that the sch children are praying to Confucious on that day. and i saw the big drum where Bill Clinton (i think) used his head to bang against it. ha. 
then, off to the Museum of Ethnology where they have life-sized houses of the different tribal groups of Vietnam. one of the stairs is v steep. but interesting to climb. there were many bridal couples taking photos there too! nice and beautiful!
well, using the PC in my hotel room now. free internet and a PC too! meant to upload my prom pics frm the cam to facebook. BUT, i forgot to bring the cds to install into the com so the usb cable can be recognised! grr. now have to wait till i return home. i tried tis afternoon and waited for 16 mins. in the end, it was operation failed. waste my time...
tokin abt this aftnoon, today marks the last day of work at the childcare. though i was pretty excited initially, i dun think i wanna go back there. it's hard to handle the nursery kids. and bathing them too. it becomes more of a chore than findin enjoyment in work. mum says it's cos i dun study child psychology so hv trouble handling them. perhaps. but i dun think i wanna go back there..
all in all, well, jus wanna say sorry to victor. i said i'll go online right? and made u wait so long. sorry. i hope u got my sms. n i hope khalis got my sms too..cos neither of them replied me yet. oops. wun be able to use com anymore! ciao!
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1 May 1989...Labour Day!
Abundant Life Baptist Church
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri Sch (PHPPS),
Clementi Town Sec Sch (CTSS),
St Andrews Junior College (SAJC),
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Family (dad, mum, reuben, sarah, po-po)
Band: Hillsong, Don Moen, Corrine May
Food: jus can't take spice, crab n prawns :(
Music: Christian n comtemporary/love songs
Movies: Cinderella Story, Matrix, I Robot, Lord of the Rings, Princess Dairy Series, The Island, Gattaca, Crash, Stardust...