Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @ 12:58 pm Right. So i'd just returned from my engine camp. Intoxique. Tat's the name of the camp. So definintely, our group names are named after drinks: Tequila *YAY*, Vodka, Chivas and liquer.
Things to thank God:
Interesting happenings:
Okay. Let me go through things one-by-one. GAMES. On first day, I was very surprised to have station games at night. it was so funny and TIRING! totally! running here and there. and the stations are located so far away! but fun. not too bad. Some are familiar and I'm glad ppl like Li Hui and Justin and Chung Tah stepped up to lead us. Next, was games like the wet games. It was nice but not say very dirty. It wasn't too bad. Just crawl on that long canvas sheet with flour and watermelon juice and water. There was an eat food dog-and-bone. Thankfully I didn't get it. The food weren't very nice and often has chilli inside! Bleah! The War Games was a total shock to me! When it was time to start the game, woah! All the 3 grps start attacking us! It was totally way-out! Man. So trashed. But Siang Jun was very nice! He protected me very well! Yay! Thanks alot pal! =) the forfeit were ok-ok la. At one point, the whole medic table were filled with Tequila ppl. Ha. The Amazing Race totally rocks! Glad I know how to go esplanade from City Hall Stn. The shorter way :) yay. my favourite hang-out place. the places we went to were nice--really outta sch one. from NTU to boon lay park (there the games were nice!) to esplanade to places like bedok food center, changi chalet, stadium at queenstown etc. and the bonus we did were fun too! Esp the one where one of my grp's guys has to put on lipstick and give a peck on an ang-moh guy's cheek. Haha. we got a retiree-couple. So they were definitely friendly and nice! =) staying at the chalet was very fun too! Rarely will i have a chance to stay in such a BIG chalet with the whole OG. in fact, I don't think i've ever stayed overnight at a chalet. Ha. so that time was something new. Played "I've never..." game which really helped me know others better--good or bad. Well, we reached the place the earliest so we had the biggest chalet! yay! And also, it was there that we perpared the skit. Thanks guys for your co-operation and your enthu-ness :) Pool games were fun! played 4 games. first was the tyre game, then the captain ball's game, then the finding mahjong tiles game and the balancing on float game. the captain ball is the cliche game where the gal sits on the guy's shoulders. so i hereby wanna thank Chung Tah and Peter for carrying me. and i'm glad i can balance quite well on you guys! the mahjong tile game was the next fun game to me! I really enjoyed finding the tiles though it was a bit challenging. but without challenges, there won't be any fun! after all the games, we all took photos in the pool. the pool was so deep at 1.4m (hey, it's deep cos i can't breathe if i stood on the ground) that most of us girls had to cling onto a guy and take the photos. haha. FRIGHT NIGHT! Yes..the part that i wasn't exactly looking forward to. thankfully, they showed Saw IV instead of a horror show. So it was just gory. but still, I didn't watch. I only watch the front parts, a few scenes then I cannot take it already. I closed my eyes, pressed down my ears and jus try not to think nor imagine anything. but it really shakes me up how ppl can take lives of others so innocently. Why? How come they don't treasure other ppl's lives but jus kill/injure them like nothing? I wonder. Well, i heard that the storyline is good. perhaps, i'll try to extract out the storyline minus the gore nxt time! Around in school, I was teamed up with shimin, fung yin and the guys from chivas. I didn't feel very comfortable cos i dun know them at all. and me being me, i would always like to grab a guy's arm and hide behind. but oh well. at least towards the end, I had yong jie and mark who shielded me. but the firght night tour was indeed very scary. their make-up were really real. let me explain the nature of us, the gals, who went. one will scream to release tension, one is quite afraid and me? i'll scream when others scream. it's other ppl's scream that scares me. so there was this time when i heard screams in front and i screamed too, closed my eyes, shut my ears and ran to the side. I've no idea why i ran to the side cos it's dangerous. i may hit the wall of the corridor. thankfully, there was a guy who shielded me and prevented me frombumping into the wall. thanks! the other time was the one at the toilet. yee. tat's very scary considering that i was the first one to enter and see the ghost. the nxt scary one was the one where the ghost come from behind to frighten us. unexpected and i almsot hugged the ghost! Scary! well, i heard the rest of OG who went weren't afraid. they even laughed and made fun of the ghost. haha. so nice. if only i'm in their group...oh well.. but it's also thru this grouping that my SP partner can guess who i am :) SP Night. First, a few nights back, we were blindfolded and talked to our SP. it was okay lah. the usual. ask where we're from etc. but yar..he doesn't have much confidence in his english. keep saying that he failed GP in A's so cannot write well etc. aiyo. i tot he'll say only once but when i noticed he said it a few times, i knew i had to encourage him. so, if *you* are reading this, muz jia you and not give up hope k! Meng was listening to my conversation with him and said i can be teacher. lol. but anyway, he was a nice guy. the only thing we had to do that was forced was to pose a photo. it was normal lah. jus don't know whether to smile or not. ha. well, i'm glad we managed to take another photo later on! well, i still rmb one thing he said clearly "let's wait till we see each other then talk more..." know wad happen? on that night we met, he had a sore throat from all the cheering! haha. wad an irony! it was quite bad though..trailed off towards the end. so i disallow him to eat any fried stuffs when we met. so we met at st james. asked him if it's ok to go out and talk instead. so went out and upon finding out that we were both hungry, we headed to vivo to find a restaurant to eat. thankfully, terra cafe was opened till midnight! the price was reasonable too. so we ate dinner there! yay! Filled our stomachs and can chat over dinner! =) talked a bit despite his throat. And he was nice too. purposely ate slowly to complement me. wow! never had a guy did it before. smiles! Sarah and her bf was there too. so i didn't need to return to the club within a short period of time. and so, sarah helped us to take a photo. yay. here it is! ![]() His name is Royce. He bought me this lego set you can see there on the table. my bro and sis and i all had fun playing with it. esp boy. it's been a long time since we last played with lego. royce was nice too. treated me dinner! after i hear from Daniel (royce's JC classmate) that he hardly give treats wan. so a big THANK YOU to you, royce! =) yups. it was indeed memorable. after that, we walked back to the club with sarah and her bf. we didn't know wad drink to drink and spent some time deliberating until sarah's bf treated us a drink each! thanks! we didn't have time to dance or drink somemore though. so in the end, our 2-free drinks coupons were wasted. aww. but it was nice to be able to go st james. and in the club, we had to use our HP to talk. oh! We have the same phone model too! haha. yay! =D hope to see ya arnd soon! and get well soon! ST JAMES. At st james, we all settled down in our OG. i was quite disappointed that i wasn't eating dinner with the SP Partner cos the best setting to make frens is over dinner. so had dinner with my og and dinner wasn't like dinner. firstly, wad was served was muffins and tarts and spring roll etc. there was no staple food like rice or noodles or potatoes. next, there wasn't enough food to go arnd for everybody! seriously! tat was totally horrible. so tat's why i suggested to royce to go vivo to grab food to eat. well, in the end, i heard that there was a cut in budget. tat's why. aww. okay. well, in st james, we also played games like Mr Muscle man (which my grp mate won!), Mr Dance King, Miss...etc. well, it was fun. not bad. and there was lucky draw too. a pity i didn't win any. and chivas won so many beers. lol. they were giving out drinks like nothing. after, i heard from my CGL that the programmers wanted us to learn a lesson to know how much we can drink and therefore, limit ourselves next time round. well, perhaps they shld make it clearer to us! :) anyway, st james definitely has a big dance floor but i didn't like the music that day. it didn't sound like music anyway. ha. CGL, GLs and SA. Well, really wanna thank God for them! For their friendliness and their enthusiasm that really spurs us on and motivates us. thanks for teaching me much lessons both in a fun and serious way. to yu hong, my CGL, thanks for setting a good example and it really wows me how u can handle stuffs. double degree, in the committee of SCE, so involved in this camp, staying in hall..wow. and to meng who has been a great SA (senior attached), it was nice! really break the ice among us and intro very funny and nice games. i, personally, look up to you. thanks for your help too. it was really a surprise to see philicia again in the camp, leading me in a camp again. haha. she hasn't changed much though. still the same old personality--bubbly and loud which is a good thing! =) geraldine whom i bunked in initially. haha. so got tricked by you. lol. but it was nice meeting you, my senior in SAJC! so, yar. the GLs were grrreat and terrific! Really appreciate each and every one of them as well as the things they've done. buying ice cream, sparkers, chicken rice, making sure we all drink-up etc. Friends in Tequila! Well, I have mixed feelings about this but in general, they were a great bunch of ppl. get to talk to almost all the guys. esp when we had to sit in guy-girl circle, it really helps and forces me to talk to the guys i hardly talk to. had great chats with siang jun and kok siong. the girls are nice too..bubbly in general. funny and joke alot. really glad that i can at least talk to shimin, le ying and florence :) rachel is my old neighbour and ctss senior! fung yin is my SAJC sch mate. Li Hui is my p3 classmate and kok siong is my ex-colleague! very cool! yay! well, i muz admit and say that i personally feel i dun quite clique with the girls. maybe it's jus me being sensitive but there are many times i have nth to say to them, can't join in to their grp conversations and feel i don't quite get their basic attention. oh well. i've tried. and i can't do it. i jus think tat perhaps i can't clique cos i'm more english-speaking. i don't know. i really don't like histroy to repeat itself. i hope that God has something better installed for me or is teaching me something thru this. if it's the former, i pray I'll have patience. if it's the latter, i pray i'll have a listening spirit. other than that, just wanna say that it was nice meeting every single one of them! hope to see ya arnd! Okay. so tat's about all for the camp! Cheers to Intoxique! --------------------------------- @ 12:32 pm okay. many things happened between the last post and this. both good and bad. I really don't know where to begin. perhaps, i'll split into several entries. each representing an event.
Firstly, I just wanna put a song here because it had truly touched my heart when I sang it on Sunday. Though it's a fast song, the words were so real and true to me that it jus moved me to tears (literally). and of course, it was so much related to an issue that I'm facing. Shout for Joy
Why this song touches my heart is because of it's reminder that I have victory through Jesus! With this victory, I have power (through Jesus) over all the evil thougths and things thrown at me. It was such a great truth and wonderful news for me! That I no longer need and should be under salvary of Satan but can emerge triumphant and victorious with God! How marvellous! Thank you Lord for giving me this priviledge and chance to be your child and experience such joy in you! --------------------------------- Monday, July 07, 2008 @ 10:46 pm I wish things don't have to end up as such...
I wish I can know what to do and not to do... I wish the situation can be as perfect as what the others experienced... I wish things can be as I wished...and as you wished... ***
It's tough not to give up. I hope to persevere on. That is if the situation allows. Lord, what is it that you want to do? What is it that you want? Where are you guiding me to? What actions and steps do you want me to take? I really don't know... --------------------------------- |