Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 12:34 am
[quick one]
okay. jus a quick one. will definitely wanna post more entries up the nxt time i have a chance. i've written down wad i wanna say too! so don't worry!
just wanna say that this week, recess week, has been quite a learning week for me. not really in terms of academic but spiritually. had to learn to let go. seriously, it wasn't easy facing the driving test issue. i was super bitter and angry. but thank God that despite my upsetness, He sitll provided a while out for me and still cares for me. though i wasn't happy with Him, He still stood by me and blessed me with friends and family. my family was very supportive on that night. esp my mum and dad. my dad's words totally cut through me and gave me a wake-up call. he looked at me and said those words (which is rare to get his attention in serious matters). mum has always been there beside me and giving me answers. my bro and sis too. esp my bro when he mentions his piano exam. i din noe it was quite a something to him until he compares it to mine. that's when i knew the extent of his issue. mm. thanks boy. it really helps to know i'm not alone in this.
well, wanna thank my frens namely khalis and yu xin who have been there by me supporting me. esp khalis. my buddy for 3-4 years now and simply knows me inside out lah. without saying much, he already gave advice that are very timely and apt. and it showed me the weak side of me and just wad i went through. so here and now, THANKS ALOT KHALIS! and yea..not to forget yu xin who jus stood by me and talked to me as i start to lament. haha. yar. thanks for your confidence in me and at least not teasing me when i told u abt it.
well, in the end, i knew i had to settle all these by that night. so i just set myself down, turned back to God and let it go in His hands. with all the advices from frens and family, it's a BIG enough sign from Him that I need to let go and move on. and yeah. tat's wad i did. it certainly wasn't easy. but thank God for hearing my prayers and the nxt day onwards, i didn't think much about it.
the nxt time i mentioned it was during BSF. thank God for also giving me the chance to share with the grp. and the encouragemnet i received was indeed unexpected yet comforting. thank you ladies! and well, i would say that this taught me a lesson to really go back to God no matter wad because He has never given up His love for me. Though I can't understand His Will in allowing it to happen, even until now, I just trust Him and commit this to Him. Mm. And indeed, I feel peace..
Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 2:45 am
[nice night-out]
okay. just a quick one. had a grrreat night out today. at first, i wanted to just have a night-out of fun and play. so i sms yu xin and asked him if he's free. wanted to spend more time with him too since both of us are always so busy and hardly have time to really sit and chat. then, he suggested watching a movie. at first it was wall-e *hi-5* cos i haven't watched that show yet! thought that everyone else had watched it already. then, he changed to mamma mia! *double hi-5* cos i was also looking for someone to watch that show with though i had no one in mind.
that's when i realised he's quite an arts person. he said he watches alot of musicals. tat's cool! i found an arts partner! yay! i was just thinkin that it wld take some time b4 i find company to go for these arts performance. well, i'm surprised, to be honest, that he's an arts person. dun look like. he looks more like the sporty and socialising person. haha. but anyway, fact is fact and i'm glad i found a potential arts partner! =)
so in the end, we met today after i'd cooked fried rice for a few of us. me clad in jean skirt, we headed down to town. and man, i tell you, watching movie with him is pressurizing! :P he's super kan-chiong over the timing and making sure we get our tix. at first, i wanted to watch at cine/the Cathay. wanted to walk all the way down from tangs to cine there. but after much of his "you sure you can make it?", i decided to give in and go buy the tix at Lido. so yar. we caught a show there. so while waiting for the time to "arrive", i brought him over to Dairy Queen and get a blizzard ice cream! showed him that the ice cream doesn't drop when turned upside down. lol. okay. lame but tat's wad interests me everytime i go there!
so caught mamma mia and it was nice. the music was nice. i hardly watch musicals so it was something different. finally got the idea of the show. but, i still prefer my action shows. ha. still an action girl. cos i like things to flow and move. ha. well, mamma mia has movement and flow but some parts were illogical and jump scenes. so hmm..well, at least we both manage to catch it (:
i'm glad he enjoyed himself too. after that, we headed off to walk all the way to....SUNTEC! at first, it's just along orchard. then he suggested walking to suntec. i dunno the way. but just head on towards some tall building, trying my luck. so walked past dg, the Cathay, SAM, then reached City Hall! wow! we made it! i was quite surprised myself! and it's pure walking man. had a great chat with him though he teased me alot and sometimes over the limit. yeah. and he talks alot. haha. okay. to put it nicely, shares alot. lol.
so we headed past city hall mrt at arnd 1am already! we saw the f1 race track! it was so cool!!! the race track right beside me. saw the metal barriers too. then, a marshall walked towards us. i think cos we kept staring at the track. we really wanted to walk the track that time. ha. but we were told it can't be done. and the way yu xin talks to the marshall--so cool lah. so friendly and so guy-y. ha. i dunno. i guess i haven't seen it in my guy frens so far, so i was quite impressed. aiya. wad to say man? he's an experienced guy at expected hor?
so we headed down to near suntec. wanna fulfil his "dream" though he keeps asking me if i'm tired and wanted to stop and take a cab. but well, we jus head near marina. then, caught a cab frm there. i know, there was an increase of $5 in the fare but well, it's rare. the cab fare did go up till high--$30. lol. headed back to hall at 2am plus.
well, it was a good time spent. talked to him finally. know more abt him. and had fun laughing and joking and teasing and just talking. it was a memory. a day i won't forget--walking orchard and staying out till that late. also walking beside the f1 track! and not to forget,walking all the way down to city hall! ha. rare and nice. sweet. thanks for the night-out man! =))
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 1:13 am
[reflections, let go]
well, i'm really beginning to enjoy myself here in hall. making new frens. building new frenships. strengthening them. i really enjoy each and every one of their company. dinners, talking, getting to know each other more, joking, playing... like today, i had a social mtg and i got a chance to know everyone more and remember their names. there was a burmese guy too! and it's so cool tat he has a keyboard in his room! totally rocks! so i went over to his room (in the day time) and played a few songs. while he sings and plays the guitar too. i also taught him a bit of keyboard cos he's interested in learning piano. he just started learning violin lesson! and it was there tat i get to know his roomie, zhong lin. from msia. and hmm..he's quite a nice guy though quiet. but at least he looks at me when we talk. hope to know him more!
well, there are of course other ppl like jing yuan whom i studied with him today! at the reading room. first time. and we also played with our laptops. we both have the same laptop. see the pic below!
my face is captured on his laptop. we were playing with the webcam. haha.
after tat also had dinner with kenny and him since we can't find other zorro ppl. they all have left for home after the banner painting today.
Well, thinking, i would be very sad if i can't get to stay in hall next year. i tried my best, i guess tat's all that matters. well, almost my best. i was thinking if i din get into FOC, i thought of going over to appreciation dinner and hopefully this time i'll pass the interview. and i was wondering if i shld join badminton girls..get invovlved in a sports as encouraged by jeremy. maybe mum's right. i shld stop all my tuition after this year. it's not like i'm hard up for cash. then i can free up my time for these activities and for studies. maybe.
anyway, as i was saying, i will feel sad if i can't stay nxt year but right now, i just want to have the mindset of enjoying every moment in hall that God has given me. it's no point thinking about the future and worrying over it. the best and logical thing to do is to just enjoy and be contented with wad He has given me now--friendships, a chance to experience life in hall, challenges, opportunities to be involved in plannings etc. mm. i hope i'll truly let go of my worries and just learn to enjoy all that He has given to me! Amen!
Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 11:20 pm
let me jus elaborate on 2 blessings I've received this week.
First, today, and recently, I was very much touched by the fact God chose me to be His child. I'm his chosen one. okay. not the Israel kinda chosen but God chooses to reveal Himself to me. that I can have a relationship with Him, accept Jesus and His message. and that I can have all the blessings, peace, help and guidance from Him! I'm very grateful to Him. I just realised just how different life would be if I didn't have Him. I'm truly blessed. Though I've been a Christian for many years already and that this is a foundation, it's good to be reminded of who I am, what He has done and go back to basics again. To experience the young believer's joy again!thank you Lord!
Second, let me recall a incident which is a blessing. After lecture and having lunch at canteen A, I received a call. Below is the convo:
Unknown guy: Hi is this Sharon?
Me: Yar
Unknown guy: Is Wan ting with you?
Me: Er. Yes.
Unknown guy: Oh. Where are you all now? I'm Elgin. Wan ting dropped her phone at LKC. Can you all come and collect?
Me: Er....*shocked!*
so the rest continues here. at first, i was skeptical. cos wan ting din noe that she dropped her phone! until, while hanging on to the phone call, i said loudly that she dropped her phone then she, who was sitting across me, checked if she has her phone in her bag. haha. so when it was confirmed that the phone was really not with her, i took down Elgin's number and decided to meet him. so Wan ting n I started making our way there to nanyang audi to take back the phone! I was very surprised. both of us were in quite a shock for a while. esp for wan ting. i was quite surprised that she din notice her phone missing till the guy called.
but muz really thank God for it! I mean, if the phone's lost/stolen, it's really gone. all the contacts and the phone itself. we were both disucssing. so we were really glad and thankful to God for letting us meet such an honest guy! Seriously! so rare. wad's the chances, man? and God gave it to us. so on the way there, wan ting and i bought choc for him.
when we reach nanyang audi, we met him and he returned the phone to her. we gave him the choc but he din wanna accept it :( even with my persuasion, it din work. ha. and i can't believe he actually came out of his lecture to meet us and return the phone! wad a great guy man! actually took time out. i felt quite bad too to keep him waiting. cos i was the one that suggested for wan ting to get the choc for him. ha. oh well. i'm glad he's a honest guy. okay. i know i repeated it many times but it was really nice. hope that there'll be more of these ppl arnd! mm. really thank God! and i'm sure both wan ting and i feel the same way towards God and Elgin! thanks! oh! and Elgin is such a nice and unique name! =)) God bless you!
@ 11:00 pm
D&D on 13th Sept, Sat at Holiday Inn Atrium. Let the photos begin to do the talking! My group Zorro
The Zorro mask
Pageant Girl Jean and I!

The Pageant Guy: Jing Yuan and I! 
I like this other photo too. It's quite interesting if u notice the foreground and background photo poses. Haha. Totally love it man! So Naresh. The other pageant guy.

All of us girls who went! pretty pretty ladies! yuan ting, joyce and myself. the only 3 girls that wore black dress and a pink shawl!
shi yin, myself and shan. the 3 of us girls at the table who stays at blk 55!
 trixie, joyce and i. trixie! wad are you doing? lol
quite an interesting photo. first time i had a guy put the hand as such behind me like that. was quite surprised when i saw it in my camera. haha. but nonetheless, nice photo taken. great fren to have!
weichen! and i. with the pink balloon. one of the clear photos. quite like the photo. great guy too. FOC chair. haha. and helped me alot during my intiation.
yu xin! my senior. teach me much abt JCRC and give me a good overview! =) photo's a bit blur. sad. thought this photo will be nice! warm.
i totally love this photo! haha. i dun mean i love the guy but the photo. jus look at it! amazes me lah! the background is blur totally with many ppl moving and only the photo of the 2 of us are clear. nice. rare shot. haha. eugene and i. he just highlighted his hair that day. ha. but eugene's a great guy too! =)
kenny! my great help and senior! help me print lots of notes! =)) weiliang and i. my buddy in hall! =D
ming yong, joyce and mine. our footwear! =)
okay. well, i miss my other buddy, pei fen. i wished she was there too. then wld take lots of photos with her. nonetheless, she's another buddy i have in hall too! =)) had a great time at D&D. like another prom. i hope the pageant ppl enjoy themselves too! =D
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 @ 6:43 pm
Lord, help me know it's your will. Though it's hard to accept, help me know you had it all planned out and for the best for me. Although I've already made plans, help me remember that "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps" (Provbs 16:9). Though I may be discouraged, may I find peace and comfort in you. Yes Lord, though I have made plans, you are the one that ultimately reigns. Help me to take my focus off it and focus on you and what's ultimately important. Amen
Saturday, September 06, 2008 @ 1:01 am
[tired, busy, challenged, touched]
quite an interesting set of emotions. don't u think so? well, that's what I am feeling now. been quite busy. have always wanted to blog but no time. though I have the laptop in my room and can access the internet better, i still din find the time to blog much less type emails to ppl. unless they are really urgent ones like my group project ones *leaves to send an impt email again*
phew. thankfully I remembered. well, yes. busy. REALLY busy. like seriously busy. got study but just meet the bare minimum. only on my study day, thursday, do i get to really go more in-depth and read textbooks and catch up with lectures. yeah. like the thur that jus passed was well-spent though i could have revised my maths instead. poor planning.
well, i have MANY tests coming the span of 2 weeks, i have 5 tests. nxt mon--maths, nxt wed--sound, nxt nxt mon, tue and wed is management, life sciences(oh man! I'm so going to die! i'm only stuck in lecture 1 for revision :S) and phys respectively. I think i'm going to die in phys. i heard the lecturer sets the CA crazily. super hard one. but during exams, it's easier. oh well. so i dun want to let the phys CA discourage me! but still, don't worry, i'll still study. can't be getting zero for it rite? but at least try and give my best...
yes. i hope i can pass the sound one well too. but no doubt, it's phys again and i always have problem with concepts. hope i can do well though. that's the whole point on why i desperately took up this Sound elective.
time management. this 2 big words pops out to my head when i think about the coming 2 weeks. it won't be easy. if i pass my interview (which i wonder if they have) for the sub-comm in social events in hall, i'll be involved in the coming 2 weeks for the planning of a mid-autumn celebration. it'll be held in my hall. and wad do i have in the coming 2 weeks also? CA!!! and it's counted to my final grade. and in the meantime, within these 2 weeks, i have to study and revise for my tests. man. thinking about it makes me scared. on top of it, i have my other commitments. the usual, God, church, family, frens, tuition (put i don't feel so much pressure now compared to last time), BSF + DG, youth camp, leading cell in Word (this i gladly volunteered. i'll give my best. i'm not regretting taking it up). but i know that meetings for the MAf will take a lot of my time. well, at least my leader is someone who has been in social comm before (i guess). so i will be under a capable leader. i hope.
sigh. but still, i'm scared. afraid. i hope i can cope. somehow, i took these challenges upon myself. somehow, i began to like challenges. pushes me. but i really hope that when i fall, i won't be alone. i know the usual saying: frens are there. family is here. most imptly, God is Immanuel--God with us. But somehow, there's the weaker flesh in me that creates a sense of fear. i know to turn the Bible. I will do that alright. i still journal. so it guides me in my thinking and helps me communicate to God. besides, in my journal, verses are everywhere. so are past experiences.
well, for the physical aspect, i really hope my frens will be there for me when I'm down. I've told Cher Lin (my roomie) and Le Jing. They're such lovely ladies! And I'm glad Le Jing is there so i can share more and know I'll get godly counsel. I've only updated Jeremy. Yet to tell him my fears and for prayers. And yet to tell Khalis. Pal, if you are reading this, i'm sorry you have to know this before I tell you from my mouth. I'll be sure to elaborate more than wad I've written here and really go deep in telling you wad i'm thinking ok? you are definitely more privileged than my blog cos you are my trusted and beloved FRIEND!
oh well. plus on sat, 6 sept, which is today, i have D&D. My hall's one. i wonder if i shld stay on till late (midnight). cos i really do wanna hang out with my frens. but i think there's chr tml, so wun stay up till late. besides, i nid the energy and strength to study on sunday. mm. but i'm pretty excited! Theme: Pink. but i'm dressing in black and bought a pink shawl to wear. we also got zorro masks for all of us to wear tml! It's our identity to show we belonged to Zorro group! Way cool! =) i'm happy that i can dress glam again. haha. very happy. it's not all the time that i get to wear those nice dinner dresses that i bought. Well, hope i can post my pic up on the blog someday!
and i'm going for another glam dinner *YES* OCS social night dinner. thanks zhen guang for inviting me! Hope it wun be too awkward though! So, there you have it! Activities lined up! Now you know why I keep sighing, tired and stressed. yeah. thinking stress is building up. sigh. well, by God's grace I will survive. And doing the DG material (another Bible study), though it was back-to-basics again, i felt very much comforted by the fact that God will never leave me nor forsake me once I have Him in my life. Thank you Lord for reminding me again and giving me this assurance.
"God has said, 'Never will I leave you' never will I forsake you'"
Hebrews 13:5b
and yes, thanks for letting me be able to join a DG grp finally. had a really hard time. though i can only stay for one hour now, but i was good. i get to meet more girls and share in the discussion and learn! Yes, i do learn. mm. but i muz learn to humble myself too and not think so highly of myself!
thank God for cell group today. bernice leading. either the 1st or 2nd time she's here in cell. yay. thank God. and thank God i had the chance to lead in the Word 2 weeks from now. and for Jeremy being newly appointed as the cell group leader. i really wanna commit him to God in prayers. I'll be here for you to help you out too, brother! though i wonder if he'll read this post. but never mind. a reminder to myself too.
oh yar. i just downloaded a daily Bible passage gadget to my laptop desktop! It's way cool! I even helepd Jeremy to download it jus down after cell! I felt it was very useful and helpful. It changes everyday and everyday, when i have internet access, i really look forward to seeing what God wants to speak to me through His Word. And the other cool thing is that there's even a small devotion section where a prayer is written. And on one occassion, it really speaks right into my heart. it totally reflects my situation and utters the prayer of my heart. way cool! So i hope it'll bless and encourage Jeremy! And maybe, if possible, I'll do it to my Christian fren's laptop too! Hee. Well, this is aother reminder then...of God's faithfulness and love and ever-presence!
okay. close to 2am already. I think I'd better go! Hope I'll have an enjoyable time tml in D&D! And studying in the day time too. sorry I can't watch movie with you Khalis! Gotta study. more impt. hope you'll understand. soon soon nxt week!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 @ 1:07 am
Faith in God gives us access to the power of God. Reference: Mark 5:25-34. This statement is very strong and also very true. Indeed, with faith in Him, He can work wonders and miracles! Show us things that we never expect, do things that we can't imagine.
Then, while doing BSF, it also touched me. I was thinking that God wants me to have faith in Him and to depend on Him. And also to have persistent faith and prayer. And I just made a list of things that God wants me to pray about consistently. Wrote in my diary! May I always depend on Him!
Monday, September 01, 2008 @ 12:25 am
well, today, during service today, pastor was praying this in the prayer. i thought it was very meaningful and totally apt! The Holy Spirit has been a great guidance to me. though He often asks me to do things that are not wad i desire and sometimes feel like i'm amputating a part of me, it was for my own good and for God's glory. It was something that is right and something that should be done. and He has been a very good teacher to me...
guiding me in understanding God's Word, telling me what God wanna tell me, what God wanna teach me through His Word and to prompt me to apply what I've learnt and what God has taught me...He's always there. This teacher is ever-present too! the greatest of all, He's residing in me!
sorry, teacher, for grieving u several times. but thanks for staying by my side still. Thanks for still being faithful to me and crying when I cry, smiling when I smile. yups. indeed, this teacher is great..the greatest! and more than jus a teacher, He's my fren, my companion, my talking-partner, my confindate. Thanks! LOVE YOU!
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1 May 1989...Labour Day!
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Movies: Cinderella Story, Matrix, I Robot, Lord of the Rings, Princess Dairy Series, The Island, Gattaca, Crash, Stardust...