Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 8:49 pm [focus!]
AHHHH! I'm losing focus!! Just one more paper tomorrow but I totally dun have the brain juice and the motivation to study! Just feel like playing! like most of my frens who end today...bleah. I need the focus! And the energy!!! Grr!! --------------------------------- Wednesday, April 15, 2009 @ 12:01 am "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.'" Exodus 14:13-14 Indeed, God will fight all your Egyptians as long as you trust in Him, have faith in Him, obey Him and BE STILL. --------------------------------- Thursday, April 09, 2009 @ 12:10 am Yes! So it's back to the old mp3! The very first one! Scrolling through the menu, I feel a wave of memories coming back...the excitement and also the priviledge of being the first sibling to have an mp3 (I think). I rmb how we all put songs inside together and do the settings etc. Though there was little space--256MB, it still seemed alot then. Haha. So why am I using it again? Cos my creative zen stone jam on me!! I totally can't use it! Guess it's old and spoiled already. Dunno if I'm going to repair it. But since I have my ipod, i only use my creative zen stone for radio. and since it's only radio function that I want, I can simply use my first mp3! Why not? I really need my radio every night! Preferrably every night! It feels much there's someone talking to me. And the choices of songs are not bad (: I miss my internet radio! And I miss Yaz! I wonder why she isn't on class 95 air the past few nights! Miss her natural talk (: she's quite a nice lady! I even spoke to her on the phone when I made a radio dedication previously! (: Sweet! [on another note] Thank God for the linguistics test today! Wasn't too bad. In fact, I'm quite confident of it! (= this time round, I studied for it...memorised some of the stuffs. Good good. I hope i can score well for it. at least above or around 15 marks! The module, HG801--language puzzle, actually is quite a nice and good module. I learned much from it. being an arts subject, i learned the other side of English and language. Like from grammar and sentence structure to hypothesis and theories. I get to hear and learn something that's native to me and not-too-bad at. yar. i think this module is more suited to those who are English-speaking and have a good English foundations. Not necessary in vocab but more in grammar. and also a passion to learn the different aspects of language--how it's acquired, culture etc. try it if you are interested! Yay! Nigel is back from Taiwan! Then in that same sms, he asked if i'm free tonight. I was like "wow". Okay. Tat's fast. Haha. If you get what I mean. But, oh well, friends since p6! What to say man! Familiarity is there! no need for paiseh or reading more. Haha. So yar. Can't meet him tonight but will be meeting tml night. Can't miss the chance man! I've been trying to arrange for so many times! When finally he can make it, why not? Hope to have a good supper and catching up! (: Hope he'd bought some taiwan goodies for me! *wink* yar. but that also means i gotta step up more on my exam prep. all the going-outs means my work gotta justify it! Good Friday and Easter is coming! A time for reflection and thanks to God. Yeah. Good Friday is a mellow and solemn one. Easter is a celebration. I'm happy that zhen guang and jason ng will be coming for my church's gd friday svc! =)) After that, we'll have lunch tgt to catch up esp before jason leaves for taiwan that day! Well, yeah. I'm looking forward to the service! I'll be serving by playing the keyboard too. I'm glad that God gave me a heart and attitude for Him. The right one by the time i hit the band prac on tue night. I hope that I'll serve with gladness on that though I won't be concentrating very hard on the lyrics and the song itself. and can't company my friends during the singspiration and Lord's Supper time. oh well. hope that through my own playing, i would worship too! =) Thank you Jesus for Good Friday and Easter! --------------------------------- Monday, April 06, 2009 @ 1:03 am ![]() In your arms, I find solace
The Great I Am Glorious wonders I have seen Rescuing me in all Eternal promise you've given A new person I've become Transforming my life Inside out Awesome! I must shout out loud! Majesty, praise and honour to you My God, the Great I Am! --------------------------------- |