Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 11:07 pm
[down and tired]
I'm just down and tired. Feeling so obligated to things. To duty. To what must be done. Feels no sense of joy. Give me strength.
And I'm just beginning to cast doubts on our friendship. Sigh.
Well, as I was reading, I came across this line and this passage: The very essence of trusting God's ways means realising they're not our own.
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"
So in these, I trust in You.
@ 2:58 pm
[happening week]
Indeed, I've been having a very happening week at night!
Tuesday--Flyer outing
Wednesday--FOC Meeting
Friday--Another Flyer outing
Ain't that cool? I totally enjoyed myself this week. Nice to get all busy again and calling ppl out to meet! Haha. But all for the price of reaching home arnd midnight, showering at midnight, going to slp with my wet hair at 1am?!?! and having a sleepy day at work the next day. Haha. Let's go through each event bit by bit! Maybe I'll put some pictures too!
MONDAY. BSF. It was the last BSF lesson before the 4-week break. So will miss BSF alot, the gathering together to sing hymns, read God's Word, study it together and the lecture. Will also miss meeting up with John for dinner every monday!, this time, really got to make deliberate meet-ups with him and the others too to keep in touch. We had our last Ter's noodles (Happy, John?) on Monday too. And to be clear *ahem* I don't like that guy nor thinks he is very very handsome. I just like his noodles!!! And the food! (:
TUESDAY. FLYER OUTING. So, I met up with my MSE friends! There it is!
And we had fun together! It was great being able to meet up with them after a month after our chalet. And somehow, the guys seem to be like girls like that--talk alot leh. They kept talking over the dinner table while myself, JX and WT were just sitting around, talking once in a while and enjoying our food...haha.
We took a long time to find a place to eat before we finally settled for Han's Cafe at Marina Square which wasn't very good. And I'm sorry guys, I took so long to finish my food! A pity it rained that afternoon and so we couldn't go in the evening..
We headed down to flyer. That was our initial plan to ride on the Student Promotion of $10/tix and take a trip up! But jx didn't have her student pass with her and so can't buy the tix. Being nice gentlemen, the guys decided not to go for this trip. I also thought it wun be nice to leave jx around in the flyer area to wait for us for half-hour and also miss the fun with us. Well, to be honest, i was quite sad and disappointed but nothing beats better than just having around together.
After that, we headed down to Love The World cafe for drinks. And john sang! after that, WT and I went up to play the keyboards while John sang (again!) Haha. Photos below! It was fun. Just cheering. At least the cafe isn't crowded so it isn't that bad. We shared 2 jugs of drinks--vodka and rum. Hmm. Found out that rum with soda isn't hard on me. Maybe i'll try that again next time! (:
All in all, it was nice to meet up with my friends, chat, talk and have a good time with them! Love you all lots! Thank God for friends like you too! (=
WEDNESDAY. FOC MEETING. Okay. We met at....SMU!! It felt a bit strange when I first heard the news but well, it's a central area. So I think that's good. It was a fast meeting. Nothing much to explain. Glad that I met Terence and Lih Hern up before meeting Jek. So at least we can explain to Jek what we planned to do and clear some of his doubts. Hmm. So far, Jek was fine and okay with our games. Glad for it. But LH and Terence and I have lots to the venues, some of the games, the pictures for the clues etc. Hope we'll be able to do it up by any deadline there may be!
Well, I'm glad I also had the chance to talk to wei liang! Catch up with him too. Just sitting around and talking and joking. It was nice to talk to buddy! And to have dinner with Shan! At pizza hut! She's still bubbly as ever and I'm glad she shared much with me though it was sad. I hope she'll be fine soon! And of course, Eugene too! Whom the first qn we asked each other was "Did you drive today?" Lol. It was so funny. We both stay in the west and got licence. Haha. So we just automatically think each other will get the car. Haha. It was fun lah. Meeting my Hall OG mates and joking and chatting with them. Not to forget Kenny! Makes me feel kinda sad that I'm not staying in hall nxt year. Oh well. It was my choice and decision. Just live with it. Who says I can't keep in contact with them still? (:
THURSDAY. MOVIE. Yeah! I watched Night At The Museum 2 with Zhen Leong at PS!! It was supposed to be at vivo. But the timing was a bit out and i felt it was too late. So asked to watch elsewhere where it ends earlier.
The movie was really good! It was really funny and entertaining. Though it only happened in one night, it was like another adventure. There isn't like any serious real problem that makes the mystery more complicated. We both sat 2 rows from the front. And ZL has been really nice and accomodating to me! I like the way he talks esp "let's go!". Haha. He really makes me laugh alot. I treated him this movie. To thank him for helping me in computing. and also partly cos i have a 1-1 movie vouchure. Haha. After the movie, we headed down and out. And in PS, there was an exhibition of dinosaurs. And it totally freak me out. Was thinking that it'll come to live and start scaring me like in the movies. Haha. After taking a bus to BP, he drove me home in his van. Yay! Got a free ride back! So at least I wun reach home to late or just be stuck waiting for bus 963 which may end up coming at midnight. Sigh. I don't like my house to be located so far away :(
Still, thanks pal for the great night-out and your company! (:
FRIDAY. ANOTHER FLYER NIGHT-OUT. Yeah. So as I mentioned just now, I didn't get to sit on the flyer on Tues right? But i really wanted to go on it and the promotion ends that friday (yesterday). So, I just grabbed my camera, unsure of who i'm going to ask. And just going to whack a last-minute date. And woah! I managed to get it! I was talking to my intern girl friends in the morning and telling them abt the flyer promotion. Deng Shu was pretty interested. I'm closest to her among the rest. She was saying that it's really cheap and wants to go. So I asked the others along: Boon Shan and Wei Pei. Unfortunately, they've already been on the flyer.
So DS and I went down! But I feel very bad for having her to wait for me to finish my work b4 we headed down. And so, we missed the "sunset-evening" time :( Sorry girl! But I had a good time with her! The trip down, dinner, walking there and just talking about things! It was good! I got to know her more and also share my life experiences with her!
I'm glad she is bold and willing to talk to me in English. She's from China but has been around here since secondary school days. So her accent isn't that strong. And she's quite used to how I speak Chinese (which is quite bad) and to speaking English :)
So we went up on the flyer, took many photos. But also, first, walking around the flyer there. Walked through the park/trail that they constructed. After that, I was telling her that I'm afraid I'll scream at the top because it's so high. Scary. But thankfully I didn't.
The flyer moved really slowly. It was unbelievablely slow that we had to look acorss to see if we are really moving or stuck at the cabin. Haha. we went into a cabin that has quite a number of students who were from CTSS! Haha. But I didn't intro myself as their senior. We took quite a number of photos. And played with my camera even until the end. Trying to take some photos. But the lights are really bad. Esp the blue lights. It has a reflection in the glass so when a photo is taken, the blue image of ppl can be seen and it looks really ghostly. I immediately deleted it lah. Didn't wanna stare at it too long.
Well, I must say that one should go on the flyer in the day-time. The night scene is really not nice. Firstly, you can see the night-view and all the lights even from ground level and on the aeroplane. It makes no difference. And we probably know how the lights of the skyscrapers are like. Secondly, going at night, you'll get those irritating blue and other-colours light! It's totally yee. Yucks! Spoils the picture! I vote for day-time. 100%.
Well, but we managed to take some pictures but some of them are blur. Still, it's nice! =) I'm glad for this night-out with DS and getting to know her better! (: Thanks girl for your company and for the fun that we had! =)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 @ 4:53 pm
[thumb pain]
Great! So, I've completed all my work already! The market research one. But what am I left to do? Paste stickers on the brochures! 1500 brochures!! The fax number of the India office was wrong. So have to paste the sticker over the whole contact detail. Sigh. They want 500 of each product. So there I am, pasting stickers on them. Trying to rush it out since Esther (my supervisor) got chased by some other dept already. The purpose? For an upcoming exhibition. I hope to be able to go and learn something from there too! (:
But I paste and paste until my thumb gets sore :( I hit my 1000th brochure already for today. I think. So sigh. Pain lor. And so do my eyes hurt. Bleah.
And what a day! It is raining now!!! Don't think it's a good idea to go up to Flyer then. Wun see anything. What a spoiler! I brought my tripod along!! Boo. Checked out esplanade and they say there are flipside festival performances, but they didn't state the timing nor the exact performance for each day. So, just gotta see how. I hope we all cld have a fun time together later just hanging around each other and catching up! (=
Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 11:06 pm
[the question every Christian will ask at least once]
How do you discern God's call?
I got a BSF pamplet that talks about the change of leadership and they wrote a short write-up on how to know God's call. This is just a short insight.
To discern God's call for you in His overarching plan to redeem a people for Himself and His glory: - God's call is confirmed by God's Word, circumstances and prayer (Genesis 24)
- God's call may be issued from a Godly person (Acts 16:3)
- God's call will mean denying yourself in order to be part of His giving life to others (Matthew 16:24-26)
- God's call for each Christian is to be conformed to the likeness of His Son (Romans 8:28-29)
- God's call requires faith (Hebrews 11:6)
- God's call requires dependence on God, so it may come before you feel ready (Exodus 3:1-4:17)
- God equips those He calls (2 Corinthians 9:8)
@ 11:37 am
[don't give up]
You've come this far. This is what you have wanted all along. Don't give up. Don't be down. Don't be dishearted. Press on. Knowing that God is watching over you...
Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 11:04 pm
[It rained!]
I prayed, prepared the fields and God sends the rain.
Yes. Indeed, it happened that way. I watched Facing the Giants at the beginning of this semester and was very inspired by the Farmer Story (you can refer to my previous post on my write up on this movie). After that, I listed down 5 "rains" and how I can "prepare my fields".
One of them is actually for good results, at least GPA of 4.0. It was my rain and my preparation was to spend more time on studies,focus, give my best, not give up and be consistent. And so I got on to prepare the fields and pray that God will rain down the rains that I need! And HE DID! It did rain!! Praise God! It's really a testimony! He worked behind the scenes and did things that I cannot do! I did my best, put in the effort needed and left the rest to God! Thank you God for blessing me with my desires!
I scored well. May not be well for some of you but it's an improvement and I'm pleased about it =) I jumped from 3rd class to 2nd class upper! Scored 4.14 this semester! (: I was pretty shocked when I saw the results page. So many "A"s. I wondered if I'm looking at the correct one. Haha. But it turned out to be 3 A-, 2 A, 1 B and 1 C+ (:
I was surprised that my computing scored an A-!! =) Happy. Thank God and thank Zhen Leong too! For helping me out at the last minute and helping me understand the crucial stuffs :) Yay! Shi Fu! This is to you! :) My Chem scored an A. As expected and hoped for. Thankfully I didn't fail physics 2! I was quite afraid I would fail :S Scored a C+ for it! Hehe.
But Language Puzzle and Maths 2 disappointed me. I only scored a B and A- for them respectively. Oh well. It still teaches me that life isn't a bed of roses and there will always be ups and downs. The only thing I do is to trust in God! =) Yeah.
But still, I learned much through this process. About Him and what I should do. So thank God! (:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 11:25 pm
[praise God!]
Just as I wrote about the interview, I must also write and really shout out loud and thank God for giving me this internship!!!
Thank God for hearing my prayers and giving me my heart's desire for this internship. Though I wld be in the biz/marketing dept, I hope to learn something from there!
Well, initially, I was quite shock. Cos I was sent to a dept tat is totally not related to my course! But still, after talking it out to my parents n friends and also thinking it through, it's still good. Though I've no idea why my interviewer recommended me there but I still trust in God for His timing and plan! And besides, this internship is a period of time for me to learn. Marketing may not be all that bad since I've also plans to do management in the future! (:
Starting work tomorrow. Pray that I will have a good supervisor, have enough energy, teachable spirit, willing to learn and take what comes and most importantly, to do and follow what God wants me to do! Amen!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 12:38 am
Yeah. So I had my interview this morning! Woke up super early and reached there pretty early too! The reception wasn't even opened! And so I just sat around somewhere and prepare myself.
And I must thank God for John's encouraging SMS! Reminding me of Provbs 3:5 and I recited the whole verse from memory and meditated on it! Thank God though tat sms in the morning woke him up from his slp! :S And also Wanting's sms and prayers! (= Thanks guys!
Well, I did have a good encounter with God too. What I wrote in my journal sums it all. Let me repeat it:
Peace and Surrender. These are the 2 words that I want to declare out loud! Before the interview, I felt peaceful. Not as nervous as I thought I would be. And even after the interview, I was peaceful! Not terribly upset or still worrying lots. Though I have some regrets, I didn't feel like crying. And I must attribute all these to God!
It is through the surrender of this internship, interview and life that I can obtain this peace from God! Surrender is really the key. Just to say "God, this internship is in your hands. This interview is in your hands. Deal wtih it whatever you want. The outcome is really yours. Whether I get it or not, it's yours. It's your plan that will prevail and not mine. This life is yours. Use me and place me where you want me to be, for you. This time on earth that I have is just that and I want your best and your plan to unfold here before I meet you in heaven."
So that's my prayer and boy! did it feel great, peaceful and calm to surrender all to Him! Of course, it comes with conviction through the Holy Spirit!
The interview wasn't very good though and I felt I screw up some parts of it. But still, I wasn't worried. Yet, I must admit that my mind is thinking of whether I can get it or not. Guess, surrender isn't to its fullest completion yet! Hmm. At least I'm not worrying. And yes, Sharon, pyt down that baggage and exercise entrusting grace! All to Jesus! It belongs to Him!
Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 5:58 pm
Restless restless. I really need to be more disciplined in my work and how i spend my time! Gee. Cannot keep watching so much tv!!!
Well, just the thought that I'll most likely be working nxt week jus makes me sad..aww. there goes my relaxing weeks! But well, I had a good number of chilling outs already. And going out too for 3 full weeks!!! I guess, it really is time to put the end to the seemingly stress and pressure i feel to earn money by going for that internship/job. Though the internship allowance wun help alot in the amount of money i can earn, at least it can give me a proper, permanent and 8-5 kinda temp job (:
But I must say, the thought of having no more "no worries" days is quite a saddening one. Makes me treasure this weekend more! Sigh. Sometimes, I wonder if I make the right choice of going for the internship and finding a job instead of just chilling and relaxing during this 3-mth break. This kinda break dun come by easily man. Oh well, but i think there's no escaping the obligation to make my time more useful and to work! least I've already booked my air ticket to Sabah! From 18 June (night) to 23 June (midnight). Back to my hometown! Okay. I didn't exactly grow up there but it's stated in my passport. So I've no escaping from it being my place-of-birth! It's just my mum and I together with our relatives there! I hope it wun be awkward when I see my cousins! Haven't seen nor talked to them for a long time!! Mum said that we may spend a night at the foot of Mt Kinabula! (= yay! And take a day-trip out to an island nearby! (: I wonder wad else is there to do! My aunt said that our trip is too short to go around but I wonder if it's all that true! Hmm...
@ 1:52 am
[good news!]
Yeah! Good news! Thank God and praise God for giving me a chance to have an internship! At where? Hyflux Ltd! And I must really owed it to my parents! And it makes me really grateful to God for them! First, my mum helped me pull strings in MGS (pri) for relief teaching. Then, now, dad helped me pull strings into Hyflux through his fren who is one of the high ranking ones!
So, I have an interview on Monday at KALLANG! Far but i hope it's worth it! Dad says I've more or less gotten it. Just that interview is to know me more and part of protocol. Yeah. Guess it so too! Well, I'm quite nervous about the monday interview. I never really like interviews. So hope i can do it then! And that means HW(homework) for this HW (Holiday Work)! Gotta research on the company and memorise some facts of them! Gee. Tough one!
And well, still, thank God for this chance. Won't earn much since i'll only be getting an allowance!
Was reading the Bible after receiving this news and prayer. And this passage struck me. And it's my prayer if I get this internship and even if I don't, it's still my prayer in this hols, in the places I work:
"And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:3-6
"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." Ephesians 6:19-20
Yeah. I pray for open doors, courage and wisdom.
@ 1:09 am
[good advice from a Christian Girls magazine]
A wise person once gave me advice about using email: Never type anything you wouldn't want everybody to see. The same can be said for dating. Don't say or do anything with a guy that you wouldn't want everybody to see. God is going to see it anyway, and that should be enough.
And speaking of God, He created you and He loves you more than you can imagine! And since He has your best interests at heart, can you simply trust Him with you dating life? Can you believe that He really is bigh enough to bring the right man into your life at the right time?
The thing to remember is that His timing can be different than ours.
Consider this: Your whole life is a journey, mapped out by your heavenly Father. Yes, He allows you to make choices about things you'll do and places you'll go. But His concern is that you're able to take your time and do the things that make your life a complete and rewarding one. As long as you seek Him first and develop a close relationship with Him, the ride should be fulfilling--even through the rough spots.
Take your eyes off God and you'll miss parts of the journey that He intended for you to see. And when you're more focused on a relationship with a guy than you are on the one with your heavenly Father, there will be gaps in the lifelong trip that you'll never be able to experience again.
...Think about it. A relationship with a guy won't get you to heaven but one with God will! Before even thinking about a relationship with a guy, make time to fully develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ!
For some people, waiting means trusting God to bring the right person into your life at the right time. And that time is when you can develop a relationship that is pleasing and glorifying to God!
A godly man--a man of integrity--is worth waiting for. A man who adores you, reveres you, builds you up, respects you and accepts you as you are--as God has developed you--that's a man worth waiting for! And you know something? God will reveal that man to you in His time!
Waiting on God's timing will be worth the wait!
God, help me to put you in the center of life again and focus on you. I don't know why but I suddenly feel down again and off-tangent. Lift me up with your Spirit once again! Oh! To embrace the hope that can be found in you! To trust in your right timing and right guy for me! Not to rush and not to be impulsive! Please help me. I wanna get right with you!
Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 4:28 pm
[a bit too early for Christmas?]
While I was reading some outdated Christian mags, I chanced upon this article that writes up on the song "12 Days of Christmas". And it really opens my eyes real wide! Did you know that it's more than just a catchy tune, a song that we can take turns to sing and a song we can act out? It actually has deep meaning behind it!
Here's a refresher of the song (with only the last day shown):
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!
So it was said that in the 16th century, England established its own official state church. But some didn't accept the state church. So one way the people taught their children these "illegal" beliefs was through music! So here's the decoder's msg:
My True Love--the generous giver, God. And each present represents something He has for Christians
Partridge in the pear tree--partridge is similar to a quail, a small bird. It is brave to fight to the death for its young. So that is a symbol of how Jesus willingly die on the cross (tree) for everyone.
Two Turtledoves--the Jewish families used these creatures as offerings to God. It can also represent the 2 parts of the Bible (Old and New Testament)
Three French Hens--during the Middle Ages, poultry could only be afforded by the wealthy. So they represented the expensive gifs from the wise men--Gold, myrrh and frankincense. It could also mean the 3 persons of the Trinity. Or the gift of Faith, Hope and Love
Four calling birds--the 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It's the account of Jesus' life which spread the word about Him like the birds that clearly sing their song
Five Golden rings--the valuable gift tha represents the first 5 books of the OT (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). It's called Torah by the Jews
Six geese a-laying--reminders of the 6 days of creation. Eggs that the geese lay can mean new life that is created
Seven swans--just as how unattactive baby swans mature into beautiful birds (rmb Ugly Duckling story?), Christians can grow to be like Jesus by the Holy Spirit. They can do this with His seven gifts in Romans 12--Prophecy, service, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and mercy
Eight maids a-milking--Milk nourishes kids. So eight of Jesus' teaching from the Sermon on the Mount build up one spiritually. It's also known as the Beatitudes. Maids can also represent the eight people on the Ark who survived the flood
Nine ladies dancing--a call of celebration! So can Christians do so because of God's gift of the 9 fruits of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
Ten Lords a-leaping--Lords have authorities in the Middle Ages and people had to do as they say. So this represent the 10 commandements that is in Ex 20 that Christians are expected to obey
Eleven pipers piping--11 pipers represent the 11 apostles minus Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus. They followed Christ like kids trailing after a peper. So the Apostles also urged others to come along with their joyful msg of salvation!
Finally, Tweleve drummers drumming--beating out a rhythm to follow, they serve as reminders of the 12 basic Christian beliefs in the Apostle's Creed (See below). It includes truths of God, the Father as Creator, Jesus' redeeming work and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, it coould represent the 12 tribes of Israel or the 12 gates on Heaven.
There! A summary of it! I hope the next time you hear this or sing this song, it'll be a wonderful reminder and food-for-thought about Christianity and God!
The Apostle's Creed
1. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and earth.
2. and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord
3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary,
4. suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried: He descended into Hell:
5. the third day He rose again from the dead.
6. He ascended into Heaven,
7. and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
8. From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
9. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
10. one holy Christian Church, the fellowship of saints,
11. the forgiveness of sins,
12. the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 @ 11:30 pm
Wow! Just so busy with doing up my blogskin over the past few days that I didn't have proper time to sit down and get a personal post up! Finally! Well, I won't say it's all done up. I've no idea why sometimes, my page doesn't load. And I jus found a prob with the pic. Tried to solve it but I can't. So i jus give up lor.
Well, what shall I write here? Oh ya! There's just one thing I wanna say and thank God for! For letting me have the habit of writing in my spiritual journal notebook! And, as always, God speaks to me as I write. Boy! Yesterday I was feeling pretty low and have quite a low self-esteem :( many circumstances happened around me that I just sinked deep.
So, as I was doing my QT after I returned home at 11pm plus, I started writing on my journal. And as I write on, it filled up to 2.5 pages! That's really alot actually! I just lamented and talked about my circumstances, my feelings, my thoughts, what I really want...and as I wrtie, I began to see where the problem lies. The Holy Spirit was certainly opening up my eyes to see what was wrong and how I need to change.
The Bible passage that I read after that was another echoe of what was whispered to me. Isn't He amazing? Indeed, circumstances are there. I can be put down and feel down. That is only human. But the important thing is that I know where I had gone wrong, regained the hope I have in God, picked myself up by His Strength, smile through the storm and grow.
God is more concerned about your character than your comfort.
It didn't seem like the first time I heard that phrase but somehow it hit me again. A strong reminder and a good comfort knowing that "God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. For God knew His people in advance and He chose them to become like His Son..." Romans 8:28-29. Thank you God that in you, I can hope! Because of who you are, I can hope! And because of what you have done, I know I'm loved!
Another thing that I learned was a reminder that life is not all about me. Instead, it's about God. In my finte-ness and limited wisdom, I can't expect myself to make an impact and difference as what I wished for. I am an instrument for His works, channel of His blessing and speaker of His truth. That's the role I can play, the part where I can cooperate and the things I can do. May God work through me to make a difference in others' lives. May He take the glory and credit for it all!
On another note, I'm quite pressurized to get a job soon! Been spending too much money eating out, meeting people, having suppers etc. Gotta catch up on my bank account! Sure, I'm doing ad-hoc relief teaching. So far, I've taught for 3 days which will amount to $195. But, i think I better find a permanent temp job. One that can give me a consistent pay. Hope I can find a meaningful job soon! But I still love meeting up with my friends! (= meeting weiling and conray tml!! =D
Saturday, May 09, 2009 @ 11:25 pm
[let's be honest]
Five Levels of Communication (taken from the book titled: Now you are speaking my language by Gary Chapman).
Below is the summary of that chapter. Thought of sharing with you all cos it really is a good one. It's very real and very applicable! Learned much and am observing them in my conversations with ppl. Though Gary Chapman wrote this book for married couples, but I believe it can be applied in all relationships! Hope it helps you guys too! And the words aren't too small to read!
It's best if you really read the article and the book itself! But I only have that chapter. So you gotta buy the book yourself though. Hehe. Sorry I can't make the picture bigger. So you would have to click on it to read it in the best view! No trouble right?

@ 1:13 am
YES! Finally I got my new blog skin up!! =) I mean, finally! Been doing it and editing it the whole day! And night! And in the end, I didn't actually manage to solve the prob but jus use an under-hand method. Ha. But still, I'm quite satisfied with it!
The first skin that I've created on my own leh! =D Thanks to the inspiration from Jue Xuan! Honestly, I'm not quite used to the big font size but it'll be better for my eyes and yours! And i manage to change it to my favourite font style: comic sans ms!! =)
So that's nice! Tml's going to be another free day. Hope I'll use it more productively! Didn't exactly did much cos I was simply restless today. Didn't wanna send out my resume nor type some notes...just went to do household chores, do up this blog, tried to read a book etc. Quite mundane but at least I had the day to myself! Doing things that I want! =) and I also woke up super late lah! At 1130am! Crazy! but at least, through this rest, my feet finally recovered! Yays! =)
On a side note, well, I was telling xiu qian yesterday how thankful I was that I was single in my frist year in uni. I mean, God really did turn this into a blessing. Cos, when I'm not attached, I really get the chance to bond and be closer to my frens. Else I'll see myself spending alot of time with whoever-that-guy-is. So then, I get to study with my uni frens, have dinner with them, study on till late in the my staying in hall helped too! So without a bf, I really get to concentrate better on building up that friendship which lasts and that will company me even after I get attached. As what is always said, friendships should still continue even when one is attached.
So on one hand, I really wonder when my turn will come and if it's soon. While on the other hand, I'm grateful to God for what He had planned out in the past academic year in terms of dating-relationship!
So to those who are thinking of going into a rs and already in a rs, always don't forget your friends! Keep in contact with them cos these are the ppl that will support you when you are down, when you go through a rough patch with your partner or when you need that extra company! And esp to those thinking of a rs: think hard. don't let the heart rule over the head. and put God first!
Okay. It's getting late and I'd better check on my sis! Goodnight!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 @ 11:02 pm
[crazy hols]
I think I'm going bonkers and gay-happy over this hols! Haha. I really enjoy this hols man! To have the time free to do my own things and to pack my stuffs. Yeah. It was great fun! Plus the chalet, my bday celebrations etc. Fun! Then been slping late and going on com every night! Sweet! Sigh. Finally got time to blog. But what shall I write?
Firstly, I wanna say to my dearest fren here that I'm sorry about what happened to you recently. I feel sad too. And I want you to know that I'm here too. Whatever it is, continue to be strong okay? Loves.
Okay. Well, had a crazy night out yesterday! Went out with Rachel from my BSF Matthew grp. I totally miss them lah! Miss my peers and my girl friends. I was very close to them and still am. So when I sat beside Rachel at lecture and after that i suggested having supper. She was all-on for it! Cos both of us were super high after our exams are over! =)
So we walked from church to the other exit, trying to find maxwell market. When it failed, we turned back and walked to lau pat sat to have satay! Yays! Finally can eat the satay that I've always been pestered to eat. haha. It was good. Sat there and talked and chatted. Along the way too! Got to know her more and her family. And how she's doing these days! =)
So after supper at LPS, went to raffles place mrt to top up card. Then, I decided to take a bus back from city hall area. But we ended up going through boat quay to clarke quay since that way seems shorter. So we walked all the way there! And it's practically walking from tanjong pagar to clarke quay!!! crazy walk right? But we were super high. No...we didn't go drinking. jus elated that exams are over! =) And i'm really glad that i had the chance to talk to her and know her more. i mean, we hardly talked last year so i'm glad we had this chance!
And that is how i got my sore feet. Super painful when i woke up this morning! the balls of my feet ached! Cos i was wearing heels and walking around. ha. then when i was called up this morning to do relief-teaching! Ouch! I had to wear back that same slipper! Gee. Painful man! But free money. Just earned lor.
Besides, relief teaching today was just inviligating. And mum was there! Yeah. I know it's crazy. But it's fun too! At least i got company. She showed me how to make milo at the pantry with the pre-mix machine and where the seats are and the instructions (: there's one teacher who also asked me if i'm "madam lai's daughter". lol. but waking up at 7am to a phone call is no joke man! Ha. But invigilating was fun. get to see the fun stuffs.
And it takes one student who said nothing at all to keep the class quiet. ha! All she did was to go up to the board and wrote "quiet--little or no noise or motion. PLEASE! collins dictionary" That's all! 3 lines and the whole class was hushed! ha. crazy right? Tat's pretty amazing! ha.
Well, after that, i need to go and fetch a p1 kid to his dad at the GO. So when i was walking beside this girl, boy! she was just slightly above my waist! so cute lah! haha. she's also a very pretty and sweet girl. If only i have this kinda daughter. pretty!
Talking abt daughter, i had a beautiful dream 2 nights ago! i dreamt of a baby boy and he was my son! haha. it was super nice lah! though i dunno who the dad is and there's no face image, but it was very comforting to know that i have a son (in my dreamland). Very warm feeling when i woke up. i hope it'll be real! he's quite a cute and quiet chap. and if it is real, it wld really mean that i wld be married and have a family in the future! =) okay...i'm thinking too much. ha.
Alright. other interesting things i see...eraser shaped as a biscuit! for once, i tot it was real and wanted to question the girl why is there a biscuit on your desk! ha.
Okay. I'm tired already. Going to sleep soon! Hopefully no calls man. But if there is, I guess I'll still drag myself outta bed and go! ha. Happy Birthday Aunty Lily!
Monday, May 04, 2009 @ 12:57 am
[my 20th bday celebration]
Pictures say a thousand words. So you can view them later below!
Well, just wanna say that it's great to be able to celebrate my bday with so many ppl! And I'm extremely happy to finally be able to meet up with my bestie, KHALIS! Yeah. Early in the morning! I'm sorry I was late!! But there he is! Initially shy-shy to take photo but in the end, still take one with me! Well, he wasn't exactly in a good state but I'm glad he's better now! =) Really happy for him! And thanks for coming by and giving me the beautifully wrapped present! As it goes, package is also impt!
After that, I met Kok Siong for lunch! =) I was jus fretting over who to ask out for lunch (after yw turned me down) until he asked me out. So yeah. It was good. Went to eat at the HK cafe upstairs and drank the very nice soup! =) yays. Thanks for coming out and popping by man!
After that, I had dessert with Kelvin! Yeah! And shared it together with the fries at swensens! The ice cream was free! And mind you, it's the first one! I had 2 ice creams in a day! Boy! Fattening! Bleah! But the waitress at IMM Swensens was nice. She wished me happy birthday after checking my IC. Unlike the one at PS. Bleah. But the meet-up was quite short though. Wish I can spend more time with him and talk about more things...nxt time k? Definitely meet you up soon!
So finally, went home to rest and shower before heading down to PS. This time, I wasn't late! yay! but had to queue up at Manhattan Fish Market Restaurant as I was unable to make a reservation. Who did I dine with? MY MSE CLIQUE! Totally love them to bits! =)Wanting, John, Peter, Wee Siang, Qiao Yong and Lester! Missed Jue Xuan and Eugene there!
Most haven't eaten at Manhattan. We ordered 2 seafood platter and 2 main courses! Not too bad. Quite a good meal and it didn't cost too expensive! Said thanksgivings over the table aloud which was quite scary. Somehow. With the other 3 non-christians around, i wonder how they feel...
After that, we went to Swensens for dessert again! And that's where I had my 2nd birthday ice cream! Ha. After that, we took some photos. Got to take with each of them individually too! =) Then we parted. Well, I had a really good time with them! All the chats, smiles and well-wishes! I really enjoyed myself with their company and fun! Really appreciate them coming down and waiting outside the restaurant for TWO guys to finish talking at the table so we can get a seat! Haha.
Well, wanna say thanks to all for your well-wishes...Here are the photos!
Well, birthdays are always nice. I always take this chance to ask ppl out and get them to meet me to catch up. Just quite a pity I can't get my NUS frens out since they are still having their exams. But this made me think and be really grateful that I'm not in NUS. Not only do I get to meet this bunch of great frens, I also get to celebrate my bday with no reservations and no distractions!
And this birthday, I get to catch up with ppl and see how many actually do remember me! =) The first sms i get when I wake up on May 1st was from Josiah! My prayer partner in SAJC! He rmbered and I'm glad he texted me! =) Thanks bro for your support and being there always! then, i managed to catch up and talked to...JEREMY WONG! Yeah! I lost contact with him for quite a while already. But I'm glad I get to see where he is and where he's heading and can talk to him quite a fair bit (: Cheers. So yeah. I'm really glad for birthdays.
Well, that day marks the end of my 20th year of journey on earth. And I've survived for 20 years on earth; in this world stricken with sin and dilemmas. But still, by the grace of God and only by the grace of God, did I survive and get through it. I really wanna give God all the praise and glory and honour! It was a miracle for me to be born and so it still is a miracle for me to survive till now. And I also wanna thank God for letting me be able to know Him personally (:
Now, as I walk my 21st journey, 3 days of it has passed and another 362 days left, I pray that I'll continue to walk close to Him, hear His heartbeat, listen to His voice, obey and follow Him and have the Holy Spirit's continual guidance in my life! Amen!
Oh ya! This birthday, I muz really say that I've finally overcome it and love the unloving! It was really unexpected and really God-led! I must acknowledge that and give the due praise to Him again! I only noticed it at the end of the day! Praise God! =)
And somehow, the more I look at him, the more I find him attractive. Sigh. Control man. I must learn to control myself...
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1 May 1989...Labour Day!
Abundant Life Baptist Church
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri Sch (PHPPS),
Clementi Town Sec Sch (CTSS),
St Andrews Junior College (SAJC),
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Family (dad, mum, reuben, sarah, po-po)
Band: Hillsong, Don Moen, Corrine May
Food: jus can't take spice, crab n prawns :(
Music: Christian n comtemporary/love songs
Movies: Cinderella Story, Matrix, I Robot, Lord of the Rings, Princess Dairy Series, The Island, Gattaca, Crash, Stardust...