Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 1:18 pm [the hair gene]
Something cool about the hair colour of my brother and I is that our hair will be reflected as golden brown under sunlight! It's very pretty and natural. So some part of my hair will be black while others will be brown. Like it's highlighted! If there's a chance, i'll take a photo and put it up. Aren't that cool? Thank God for such cool genes! My bro's one is more obvious. His will be quite a light shade of brown. I hope it doesn't get him into trouble! I wonder how many would believe our story that it's in the genes and not a hair-dye. And I wonder if it's my mum or dad that has it. Ha. My mum has already dyed her hair so i can't check. So sad. But recently, I found out that i have silver hair! You can call it white but it doesn't look like my mum's kinda white hair. But it shines! Like silver! But it's super ugly and obvious! I was super shock when I pluck out that hair and stare at it! Yee. And the strange thing is that only some parts of the hair is silver while the other parts are...brown! It's not even black..it's brown! Really puzzles me! Not the whole strand. Hmm. I wonder if it's part of the genes too! But I'm only 20! I don't want the silver/white hair! Haha. I hope it isn't a sign of me getting stress up! Nonetheless, I like my black-brown hair! =) --------------------------------- Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 10:52 pm [a wonderful musical]
Today I watched a great musical! Got a pair of free tickets from my neighbour and watched it with my mum at NUS Cultural Centre. It was wonderful and good muscial! On the life of Paul. Actually, I didn't know it was by a Catholic church until I saw it written on the ticket. I was quite hesistant at first but I just thought, well, it's about Paul. As long as they dun elaborate too much, I'm okay. Besides, I'm old enough to know what's wrong. Anyway, they are all very talented people. The cast is big and good. They didn't reuse alot of actors/actresses. Only some. The actions they did are very real and the movements and steps are well-done! The best part of all is the music. As with every other musical, the music matters alot. The songs are all original and written by a guy. So they are very meaningful and catered for this musical! I wish I can have a cd of just their songs! Plus, the singers are great! They have a very strong and good vocal voice! Totally wow and nice! Sweet! Love the musical! The content wise...usual. I know the content but some of them were a bit different from the Bible as pre-warned before the musical starts. But at least the add-ons did bring out a certain theme and meaning. They didn't show the WHOLE of Paul's life. Was actually waiting for a shipwreck scene but it didn't happen. It's okay. It's still a good presentation of Paul's life. And also points us back to God and Jesus. Thank you Jesus!
--------------------------------- Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 10:28 pm There's a God-shaped emptiness in my heart
With a click of the control
With relationships flashing by
With the pile of work
Opening up the Bible
I must change, that's what I've said
Emo, I must say
When will I trust? When will I let go?
--------------------------------- Wednesday, June 24, 2009 @ 3:00 am [Wrap-up and photos]
Here are some wrap ups of photos. Sabah hand-made chocolate. Best is durian flavour. This box of 6 is for my uni frens! Especially Wanting who loves durians!
My youngest cousin (among that family) and the 90+ year old grandaunt:
The 4 girls (all sisters) and myself:
And here's waiting at the KK airport after knowing that it's been delayed by more than one hour! I was so bored and upset. Alot of ppl flocked to KFC. So did we. Just sat there and read lor. Wanted to ask my aunt to come and fetch us and go out but mum ask me not to trouble them. Hee.
--------------------------------- Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 10:16 am [reflections]
Hmm. This holiday has been good. I got to know my cousins more and really set my heart down to talk to my cousins. Rather than living in regret that I didn't get to talk to them, I am leaving in satisfaction that I had broken the ice and talk to them. Got to know them more, catch up and play and smile and take photos. Especially my 2nd aunt's sons (Kevin & Christian). They've always been so quiet and I guess we are older now and can talk better. For Kevin, I like the photos we've taken, the first day of my trip that I get to spend with him (without the bro), the driving us around... We broke the ice when we had to tag along with my mum to do visitation. He was stuck there and so was I. And that's when we talk more to each other and chat. I like it when he has been very nice and drive us around and also letting me use his computer! The nicer thing is also playing CS again! And watching him play! Sweet! I like the trip to the National park. Being very nice to drive us around and also the beautiful sunset photos we took. Haha. He's still quite quiet at the end of the trip but at least it wasn't that bad. I got his msn so we'll keep in touch. Plus, he starts to ask more about me towards the end. So it's okay... For Christian, well, he arrived on my 2nd day and at first it was quite hard to talk to him. He walks away very fast and I hardly have time to greet him or talk to him. I was initially quite scared that I won't get to talk to him or get closer to him in this trip. Was about to feel sad when there was an opportunity over the sharks fin soup. He had to finish it and so sat at the dinner table where I was. And also the coconut pudding dessert at the table too. Got to know more abt his institution life, hostel and also talk abt relationships! Lol. The other nicer thing is playing board games with him! I was pretty surprised when he suddenly brought out a few games and asked if I wanted to play. Ha. So we played Chinese Chess first which he triple-jiang me!! I lost terribly. Ha. He said that Paul (my other cousin) taught him the game. After that, late at night, I played Reversi with him in his room. His bro was in the room too. And the 2 of them like gang up against me like that--both speaking in Malay which I couldn't understand at all! Bleah. But in the end, I beat him at the game! Yay! Haha. Was quite happy. It's a good game lah. Didn't chat over the game but at least we were doing something together! :) I like it when we do things together! Played till 1am. Tired already. Used up alot of my brain juice. Ha. Well, I'm glad that I had a chance to see Christian and to talk to him again! Quite a pity that the only way I can connect to him is through his bro cos he doesn't use msn, facebook nor check his emails. Bleah. For Yun Sum, my eldest cousin from the other family, the best part was being able to snorkel with her! Plus taking photos with her! She can really pose lah! All her smiles and the positions she take, ha. so funny yet pretty :) She's the cousin that I tried to keep in contact but to no avail. It's okay. At least I get to talk to her and to snorkel with her! But quite sad that I didn't get to go in depth conversations wtih her. But it's okay. We had fun with all the snorkeling, dinner and banana boat!! For Yun Tong, my 3rd eldest cousin, I got a chance to talk to her when we go to national park together. Especially at the hot springs pool where we had to share one area. So we talked abt work, relationships, marriage etc. Nice. I had met her on the 1st day too. So I was closer to her. And she drove us too! Thanks girl! For Yun May, okay lah. Got to see her in her new hairstyle and her bf! Didn't talk alot to her though. At least we smiled and took some photos together! She gave us a treat for dinner before I left! Thanks man! Didn't expect that! =) Cheers! And take care of your health! For Yun Lui, the last one and also the one I'm closer with. The same age as my bro. She lost alot of weight and was very surprised that she is very skinny! A pity she can only join us for dinner but at least I got to talk to her in the car :) See how she's doing, what she wanna do in the future after her A levels equivalent. Overall, it was good to be able to catch up and re-connect with my cousins! I hope this kinship will never break nor end and we'll always be in touch. Close or not is a matter of God's will and effort put into this kinship. But relatives will always be relatives so I hope to be always in touch with them, they in my heart and I in theirs. Oh ya. 2 things that I learned as I hear the conversations btw my mum and her friends. One is from Aunty Lily who said, "Jonathan's gf is somewhat what we've always been praying for." Really touched me of a parent's love, the power of prayer and the strive to be someone that my future husband and husband's parents are praying for. Also, a reminder to myself to pray for my kids too. Another one is from Aunty Olivia. Though single, she carries with her an aura and a look of being satisfied with where she is now and what she is. A confidence. A sentence that struck me is this, "Though I lost alot of money I invested in that childcare center, but I feel very satisfied. At least I got to do what I had always wanted to do." How inspiring. Despite a business venture failure, she can say that she has fulfilled her heart's desire. I really congratulate you! Okay. That's about it! Photos will be up soon! Ta-ta! And thank God for family, friends and safety! Oh ya! I forgot the last and most important relationship is with God. Through this trip, I managed to do my QT too. And God was speaking to me through His Word and the Holy Spirit. Using the devotional materials, BSF notes and the Bible (of course), He revealed and showed me areas I need to change, things that I need to think about and reflect on and areas of my life I need to surrender and submit to Him. I really thank God for giving me this chance to connect with Him and to know Him more and what He wants me to do. Also, I thank God for time and energy and determination to do my QT while holiday-ing :) --------------------------------- @ 10:06 am [2 Music Videos/Songs that touched my heart]
Jesus Take The Wheel
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
God's Will
I met God's Will on a Halloween Night
--------------------------------- Monday, June 22, 2009 @ 9:17 pm [4th day at Sabah]
Today was nice. A total sightseeing place! Sabah is nice to sightsee and to go for a holiday and vacation! Today was a full day trip up to National Park--Mount Kinabula there. Drove up winding roads and went to Fish Spa, Poring Hot Springs and finally to the park itself where people start their trekking up the mountain. And that is my aim! My driver Kevin. We were trying to use the rear view mirror to take a photo. Haha. That's why he didn't smile:
It was good trip. Just a pity that I didn't have a proper lunch. Took lots of photos with my cousins and relatives :) Nice! We also stopped by a restaurant place there and take some photos. Be amazed at the scenery:
This is my other cousin, Yun Tong, and I:
My cousin Christian and Yun Tong and I:
Well, fish spa was quite scary. It's a new tourist attraction and we were given fish food. We claspsed the fish food in our hands, put it in the water and then the fish will start to come to our clenched fist. They make such loud sounds that it sounds like the fishes are kissing you! I was so scared at first! :S Very afraid actually but mum was very adventurous! She was the first to enter and submerged her legs into it and let the fishes move and glide around her. Then she was the last to leave too! Haha. So different when she's with my family. I was the very scared one! Took so long to enter the water and when I did, I still didn't like it with the fishes swimming around my legs. Very tickish!! Haha.
After that, we headed to Poring Hot Springs. And quite sad that it rained. Still, the pools are sheltered so it's not that bad! And my cousin Christian can slp in the pool while waiting for it to fill up! Amazing! I shared one pool with my other cousin, Yun Tong. It was nice cos we were forced to chat and talk to each other. Which I did! And managed to talk about some things and catch up =) Thanks girl!
Wanted to walk the canopy but cos of the rain, we can't. Sad. After that, we headed to see some hotels and resorts, took some photos there where the rain had stopped. The mist cleared and the peak of Mt K. is clear and beautiful. It's very high up and tall! Amazing! And I wonder whether I can scale it!
After that, we went to the Kinabula Park where the people start climbing the mountain. There are resorts there and they allow ppl to take photos there. And another beautiful thing is that it's so cold that there's mist coming out of our mouth! Lol. We were so fascinated by it that we kept blowing our breath out. Lol.
My cousins, Kevin & Christian:
My aunty who is my uncle's wife, my mum's sister-in-law:
So we took a few photos there again, with the Mt K being very visible and beautiful. Nxt year, if time permits and God allows, I'll scale the mountain! Maybe together with Kevin and his frens. Or maybe on my own or with my own frens. I'm toying with the idea of celebrating my 21st bday up on the peak. Arriving up there at the peak on 1st May. Wouldn't that be quite a something? But, I would miss the company of my frens and having dinners with them and celebrating with them...Hmm..Friends vs an experience on the peak. Which shall I choose?? Anyway, here's the map of trail up to the summit:
Anyway, after that, we headed down. It was pretty late already but because it's that late, we get to see the sunset on the way down. Took a few beautiful and nice sunset photos! =)
The mountain in the background:
And thank God for keeping us safe throughout. I mean, this journey sure isn't easy. It's winding and alot of turns. Plus, it rained and we met several trucks carrying logs and gases. It sure is dangerous too. And on the way down, the windscreen was misty too. Scary. Thank God for giving Kevin strength too! =) Thanks Kevin! --------------------------------- Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 9:06 pm [2nd day in Sabah]
Okay. So here's the 2nd day of my holiday. The 2nd day was quite good! I had alot of fun! The highlight was going on a boat to islands! Took lots of photos of the place where we can get the tixs so nxt time, frens, when we go there for a holiday, I can bring you all there!
This is the 3 actors and actresses on the boat! That's what my aunt said. Ha. My cousins Kevin and Yun Sum plus myself! :)
This is my cousin Kevin and I at the boat. Don't we look cool? So style hor? :P
So yes! We went to 2 islands out of the many islands there is! We booked a ship totally for ourselves! My 2 uncles and 2 aunties and 3 other cousins went with my mum and I. We docked at the first island and I went snorkeling!! Only had 2 free snorkels so Kevin, Christian and I took turns. Going out to snorkel with Christian was nice. He and I went very far deep. But Kevin was hesitant to go that far.
Snorkel was good! My 1st time and I did see alot of things! Corals, fishes and all. No jellyfish. Thank God. But the corals weren't bright and pretty. Just brown and black ones. Nonetheless, it's a sight that I won't get to see in Singapore. And, strange as it may seem, I'm scared of the fishes. Afraid they'll bite. Thankfully, they gave a life jacket so I float which is quite a distance away from the fishes that swim beneath me :) Guys, you all shld go snorkeling one day too! After that, we went to the 2nd island and played on the banana boat! Again. My 3rd time. And I tell you, it's very scary. I was pretty scared because it has been quite some time since I last sat on it! I still rmb what it is about and gee. I was quite scared. But it's a package thing. The 4 of us cousins sat on it for RM 100. If I back out, it may be more expensive. So I went on it and arhh..I was screaming away! Like a roller coaster ride! Haha. I also had to ask my cousins what is "slow" in malay! Lol.
Banana boat was fun and nice. My uncles and aunties and mum sat on the boat that pulled us along. And there were quite a number of twists and turns but we didn't fall. Until the uncle told us not to hold on too tightly and to let go when there's a U-turn/tug. okay lor. So we planned it tgt to let go at the nxt turn and poo! We fell into the open sea! Haha. Fun! Kevin and Christian enjoyed it since it is their first time. Sadly, we dragged the first fall too long that we couldn't fall the 2nd time. It was up to 15 mins of play already. Sad..but still fun. It was at the 2nd island that we played this. And of course, we went snorkeling again. And it was nice. I went with Yun Sum this time round. But I felt the 1st island was nicer. There, on the 2nd island, the corals are too near the surface and the water too murky. And the fish bites. It bit my cousin :( All in all, it was good fun too. At least I know my cousins better =D
Some photos before I end off my story of islands:
After that, at night, it was nice too. Met up with my mum's frens. Her old church frens--for dinner. It was nice to be able to see my mum catch up with them! Esp aunty Lily! In the car, I was reciting my mum's frens names. The 2 uncles and 2 aunties. Was like: Aunty Lily-Uncle Alan, Uncle Steven-Aunty Lay Hua. Reminds me that nxt time, I'll be telling my kids: "Later greet Aunty Wanting-??, Uncle John-??, Uncle Peter-?? *hopefully the one he is looking at now*" Haha. Tat wld be great fun to ask my kids to greet you guys man! Aunty and Uncle! Lol. by then, I think we'll be quite old. Well, I was quite comforted to hear Aunty Lily say that she's grown much in her new church. And it was nice to hear her say that her eldest son's gf has a character of mostly of what they (aunty lily and husband) had been praying for. Nice. Sweet and amazing how prayer works! It also re-emphasizes that I shld be growing myself and preparing myself to be the kind of girl that my future bf's parents are looking for too! Amen! Well, that dinner was quite..erm. I can only eat 3 dishes out of 5. Sad. But it was still good lah. Went visiting quite a number of ppl and went to Sultra Harbour. But I was super dead tired when I returned home. Bring us here and there. Bleah. But, thanks Kevin for going around with us and driving us around! I thought it was quite paiseh cos he only know some of my mum's frens and the reason why he tags along with us is cos he has to fetch us home later. Haha. Thanks cousin!! --------------------------------- |