Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 12:53 am
I guess this is it then. I guess it's time for me to make my exit and leave the stage. I guess there will come a day like this. Figured this will happen. Was actually banging on the opposite. But seeing where things are and how happy the circumstances are, I think that my dreams will never come true. Guess it's time to tone down and just make my exit gracefully.
[something to cheer abt]
On another hand, my parents are back! It's great seeing them again and talking to them. Esp my mum. And it does feel good that my responsibilities are finally passed back to her. But I also appreciate her more and wow at her being a housewife! Sure not easy! =) Thanks mum! You rock big time!
Had a good meet-up with Conray for Swensen's buffet ice cream! It wasn't wad I expected but can't ask for more for such a good offer! Had a good catch-up and a little playing of food! =) Waffles was nice! Gelato was great! Worth the money! Haha. We both ate until we are full! Lol. But when I reached home, mu stomach was growling for dinner. Haha. Funny me! Oh ya. Thanks all for compliments on my dressing that day! :) Makes my day!
Besides this, on a serious note, I think I must really get back to studying. I'm too distracted these days. I haven't been setting my heart down to serious studying and not revising my lectures consistently. I really should buck up on it! Can't let my GPA fall. Not after I jumped 2 classes from 3rd class to 2nd class upper. Wasn't an easy feat. But if it was possible last sem (thru co-operation with God), I believe He would want me to put in the effort needed for this sem too and work in partnership with Him! Sharon, focus and do it well.
Let God take charge of the other things that are crowding your mind and causing a distraction. When the time is right and good, things will fall into place. For now, do what He tells you to do and not be out of His will.
Lastly, thank God for the girls I've met over the week. To tell them more about Crusade, encourage them to join a Christian community/DG and pray with them. It was nice and sweet knowing them more and finding out how they are coping with life in uni and studies. I just pray that God would speak to them and show them a direction to take. Amen!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 @ 12:08 am
Ahh. I don't know what's wrong with my internet or my com! Blogger, FB and even my hotmail account is having probs. Esp my hotmail. Sometimes can open mail, sometimes can't. So irritating. And FB's boxes are all over the place. Grr.
Anyway, a few happenings. Been driving around on my own. Quite fun. A sense of freedom but also gotta be more cautious. And somehow, the more i drive, the more afraid i become :S And it affected me so badly that even if i keep murmuring to myself: don't hit don't hit, i still miss by a bit. I think fear is starting to take over me. Gee. That sounds really bad. And eugene was telling me tat i shld drive more to overcome my fear. Can it work? really? Today i mount kerb while u-turning. Didn't scratch car but doing something outta the norm is really bad. And i got pretty scared. Went to school and asked Eugene for help and advice. Sigh. Gotta try again and keep trying. I hope to get things right...I hope to overcome my fear...
My parents will be back wed night! Woohoo! Very happy. Finally. It's about time! And I just can't wait. Then can take the responsibilities off my shoulder! Hehe. I'm not complaining but i guess it's too much for me to bear. Through this, I see that I gotta grow more in order to be ready to have a family! =) Waiting for that wonderful day! :)
School's been pretty busy. Trying to settle in school. Tough one though. And Crusade stuffs. Quite happy for Le Jing. Hope mine will go smooth too! And I got a locker in school! Yay! Pretty excited and happy! Sharing with Wanting and John. But it kinda sucks that our locker is located right at the BOTTOM! Totally sucks man. Everytime have to squat down and it's so near the dirty. Haha. Spring cleaning tml! =)
Well, it was a great night out last Sat! Had fun and really thank *you* for your company throughout! Dinner was good though it was tiring. Haha. Hope you learned how to infer words now! Haha. Well, headed out to Iluma Bugis there. Ate jap steamboat which was pretty much chinese except the mushroom and soup. Hmm. But the soup was good! =) And we both like the same type of mushrooms! Cheeors! Walked arnd there. Quite a number of shops were open now. Esp dessert ones! Just a pity we didn't get to try.
Then had a crazy idea to go Clarke Quay. No, not for a drink. Just sat arnd and talked which was really nice! =) Cool night with a gentle wind! Sweet. But sigh. Quite stupid to leave late and risk my last bus and cost me $7.20. Sigh. Was super careless. Got too carried away, I think. I guess we reached CQ too late and just had too little time to spend there. The night scene was nice though. Sigh. Oh well. I think I shld have gone along with my initial idea and park the car at BPP there. And then just risk a parking ticket (which i dun think i'll kena). Then at least I can drive myself home that night! Haha. Nonetheless, it was a good night's out! =) A good break! And finally get to wear my fav dress after such a long time! Hehe.
Okay. That's about it! Hope my bro recovers soon! Goodnight!
Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 12:19 am
[tired and stress]
An influx of stress again. Sigh. At the start of school. Bleah. It seems like I'm not taking the start of school too well. Gotta buck up man!
I just have lots of things to do. Alot of tutorials and lectures to catch up on. And online lectures to watch :( CCA week for the 1st 3 days. So was helping out and didn't get alot of chance to do my work. Plus the calling. Ahh. Not complaining actually. Who can complain when God's kingdom is expanding? I was in fact glad to see my contact just now at FVT and my C4C group! They rock big time!
But despite all my smiles and cheers with friends, I'm stress everytime i sit at my desk at home. I'm so tired. I just feel like crumbling down. I just have alot to do--too much to do.
Plus, being the eldest isn't an easy job. Just have alot of responsibilities to do. Commitments to make, things to do, things to arrange, making sure everything is in order, making sure the 2 of them plus the elder one is okay...
Ahh. Just alot to take care of. I wonder if i'm thinking too much. Maybe I'm just making things seem big? I don't know. All I can say is that I'm very tired and Lord, I need you.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 11:24 pm
"Nanyang Technological University initiated the first materials engineering degree program in Singapore under the division of Materials Engineering in 1991. Now, the School of Materials Science and Engineering stands as one of the world's largest materials engineering institute comprising more than 1000 undergraduates."
This was the paragraph that made my Monday! And my brother's Monday! =) Cheers-oh!
Saturday, August 15, 2009 @ 10:26 pm
[bad bad]
This really looks bad. My blogger really looks quite cui. Quite a funny and not-easy-to-navigate site. I wonder if it's really IE or just my connection is bad. And I'm having problems opening up mails at Hotmail! So guys, do send to my gmail account okay? Thankfully I've set it up quite some time ago!
Hmm. Today went for John's church's carnival. Was so embarrassed to go on stage. Totally not prepared. And even more not prepared when he sang the song looking at me. I thought he would just look straight and make me dance tat's all. Ha. oh well. I guess that's why I was taken aback and was super quiet on the stage. Hope it didn't disappoint John who's a totally different person on stage! Super different! Haha. But in a good way. Nice to see him smile and with all his lame jokes!
Other than that, today was fine. Finally got down to doing my tutorials which was quite a something. Feels so different. For the first time in 3 months, I spent my Saturday studying *again* Man...the feeling is so...back to reality. So different. But it also goes to show that I have to get back on track with discipline and focus on what's impt. Yeah. Thankfully Wanting sms this afternoon to be working accountability partners! Haha. That gave me the motivation to do my tut too! =) Thanks girl! You rock! and yea, we'll be work accountability partners! Haha. What a name but I get where you are coming from! Cheers-oh!
So tut will start nxt week and the full-fledge of studying and lessons for 13 weeks plus. Mm. I pray that God will bless this school term in ways I cannot imagine, giving me a whole new focus, yet not losing myself that I forgo studies!
@ 10:21 pm
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 4:25 pm
[first day of school *again*]
Yay! School resumes today! =) very happy! Cos I get to see my frens! And we talk non-stop! Okay. Maybe it's me who talk non-stop! Just sharing and asking qns and sharing concerns! Haha. Wanting and Jue Xuan and Eugene see my new hair for the first time!
Nice to greet my fellow peers in MSE too. Many did something to their hair! Colour it, especially. Haha. I really enjoyed today. Hello-world again. Ha. But I managed to catch up with quite a number of people.
Had a good chat over lunch too. Serious lunch topic but at least there was time to really talk about it and discuss it. Talked about God too. Unexpected but it's still good. Well, bottom line: It's great to see my frens again! I miss them alot!

@ 12:32 am
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14
And I give you all the glory and praises. Cos you are the one that created me, made me to be, gave me the character that receives praise and groom me up. You deserve all praise and adoration. And I throw my crowns before you. Thank you Father! I love you!
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 1:55 am
Oh! Wow! Great! finally blogger fixed the problem and I can do colours already! =) cheers!
[God's design]
Well, today's msg was good. Talked about evangelism. And it really brought to mind the evangelistic opportunities that I had recently. Totally fills me with gratefulness!
One statement that my pastor said was "The most important thing to know is that the most contagious Christians are those who have learned to work within the design God has given them".
And I really wanna give God all the glory for what He has worked and done in my life. With the gift of hospitality, I got closer to my freshies in both camps--crusade and hall. I like to host ppl. To bring them to my hse, show them arnd school, explain stuffs to them, care abt their welfare...I believe it's God-given. I've discovered this when I'm young and it's still very much active now.
And it was these that my freshies say I am. When I was the top 3 fav seniors. That I always ask if they are alright, tell them abt school, talk to them etc. And I give God all the glory! Not just the gift of hospitality but the observant eye too! I believed it helped! =) I was really shocked when I heard the news and was very surprised. But it warms my heart tremendously!
After that though, it did give me some pressure to meet the kinda expectations they have on me. But as days went by, and my stress level increase cos of my city hunt prog tat i'm in charge of, i just decided to let it go. To let God take control and be in me. To let Him be and seen through me. I just gotta be myself. And tat's wad i did. Though I spend less time with my grp cos I was station masters and all, but with whatever time I can have and in whatever way, I'll be there! =)
Well, before I left for hall camp, I was quite reluctant to go. After having such a good, refreshing and meaningful crusade camp, I didn't wanna go to something secular. But I still had to cos of the prog I was in charge of. And so, before I left, I knew I had to change my mindset. Glad I cld talk to huang peng abt it and he encouraged me. And so, I wrote on my FB to pray for eyes to see opportunities (God gives me).
And He really did! I had a chance to share the gospel on the 1st day! And another chance to encourage my brother-in-Christ. And lastly, to use my entire time and life there during the camp to impact my freshies and peers! Wow. I muz say that it totally wows me! Esp the 1st day one! I didn't expect it to happen so fast! But I thank God for such a chance and for me to recognise it, say a quick prayer asking for guidance and make the best out of it! I thank God for such opportunity to talk and testify about Him! =)
It just goes to show: When you pray, mean it. When you pray, expect it. When you ask, He will give. When you ask, He can work as soon as possible. So be careful of what you ask for. And anticipate miracles. Let Him work through you and lay back to see the wonders of His hands!
How beautiful! Thank you God!
Well, out of the 3 camps that I've attended over the past 3 weeks--SMC, crusade and hall, I would say that I enjoyed the crusade camp the best. It was short but I had a great and meaningful time with my group. 3 freshies and 3 seniors. Got to know the snrs better and encourage and pray for my freshies. and I think it's nice and sweet cos of the special bond we have. The sweet fellowship that we have. And the knowledge that we are never far from each other and the authenticity we have with each other. The sharings and reflections are deep and bond us closer. I pray that this brotherly love will never be broken and we'll always rmb this! =)
Hall camp did have it's fair share of fun and good memories. It was quite an experience to be in the main committee. And it sure is tough and tiring. I have to be station master for every segment of the prog! And planning for city hunt was quite a something. At least it went as planned and estimated on the day itself. But I tell you, i was so super stress up the few nights before! Planning it, doing changes, preparing this and that. Wah. Tired man! Totally drained. Plus, the pressure of spending time with my og and calling back home was there. All in all, it was a good experience.
I enjoyed myself talking to the freshies. Especailly Pearl and Feline whom I can clique well with. They are very nice people! Cheerful and friendly. My age too! So I guess that's why we can clique tgt. And they keep saying I look and act like their senior in sec school. Lol. I managed to talk to other girls and guys too! :)
I like talking to my SP too! Had such great conversations with him! Glad he's english-speaking. I guess that's why we can clique well. There's just like so many things to talk about, to discover abt each other, to share and to chat. ha. I guess it's a never ending journey of finding out! But there sure is a difference being blindfolded and not. Not blindfolded allows me to talk more fluently and comfortably! :) And through this, I also learn to talk less. Must talk less and stop asking so many qns so he can ask. Lol. Keep in touch, SP!
My city hunt prog went well. Million thanks to my partners Lih hern, Terence and Bing Sheng. They have been a great help to me in brainstorming, advising and discussing things. And last minute changes but still good and going. It hit right on the dot. Really glad about it! =)
Well, I won't be staying in hall coming academic year though I've been involved in hall camp. I do feel sad in one way cos I'll miss this bunch of frens. But I also think it's a good thing cos I think I'll still feel the stress and the pressure. Esp the pressure to be social secretary. If I really do take up that post, then I wld certainly be in trouble. I would then have hall, crusade, church, family. So I'm glad that hall is not part of the pic now. My eyes are more focused now. And on the right stuffs.
Okay. I'll still miss my hall peeps. Will pop by once in a while! And I totally love the new room! =) Cheers!
Sunday, August 02, 2009 @ 7:05 pm
[some thoughts]
Some thoughts to leave with you regarding the Holy Spirit's power in a Christian life. I was reading a booklet titled "Satisfied" and found it pretty interesting and meaningful.
"The essence of the Christian life is what God does in and through us, not what we do for God."
"To be filled with the Spirit is to be directed and empowered by Him."
God commands us to be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18). And He promiese He will always answer when we pray according to His will (1 John 5:14-15).
"As you continue to depend on God's Spirit moment by moment, you will experience and enjoy intimacy with God and all He has for you-a truly rich and satisfying life!"
It is my prayer that I would be satisfied in God and walk in line with the Holy Spirit. I pray that I would be guided by Him, in thoughts, words and actions, and to enjoy intimacy with God. Even with distractions around, I pray that I'll stand firm in God. Amen.
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1 May 1989...Labour Day!
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Family (dad, mum, reuben, sarah, po-po)
Band: Hillsong, Don Moen, Corrine May
Food: jus can't take spice, crab n prawns :(
Music: Christian n comtemporary/love songs
Movies: Cinderella Story, Matrix, I Robot, Lord of the Rings, Princess Dairy Series, The Island, Gattaca, Crash, Stardust...